Ex Mare ..Ad Astra..Excellens! .....​ From the Sea to the Stars..EXCELLENCE
The Region One Awards Program is a department of SFI Region One, a geographical region of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan association, Inc which consists of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Welcome to the awards recommendation portal for STARFLEET Region One.
This site will allow members of STARFLEET Region One to Submit Award Recommendations.
The Region One Awards program is a department of Region One, which is a geographical region of STARFLEET the International Star Trek Fan Association Inc. Region One is comprised of North Carolina, South Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky,West Virginia, Virginia, and Tennessee. This website servers as an educational resource.
Awards Director- Admiral P. Michaud
Deputy Awards Director - Rear Admiral S. Mahaffey
Maintainer of the Site- Admiral V. Swindell
This site serves as a resources for the Starfleet Region One Awards Program.

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