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Region One Commendation


Fleet Captain Richard Hewitt- USS JAMESTOWN - for meritorious command of the USS JAMESTOWN for 2 tours (4 years) and in such, performing with excellence; work and contributions to said command at times above and beyond the call of duty.


Captain John Winsley- USS JAMESTOWN - for meritorious service as Executive Officer of the USS JAMESTOWN for 2 tours and in such, performing with excellence; work and contributions to said command at times above and beyond the call of duty.

Commander Greg Franklin- USS REPRISAL- for hard work and valued dedication in working as part of R1 Awards Program development team.


Capt. Kenneth Yarbourgh of the USS Aeon-Excellence of duty in organizing "Meet the VRC" luncheon for SFR01 chapters in Western Tennessee and Kentucky.


Cmdr. William Woods of the USS Jamestown- Services as a crewmember, Chief Engineer, 3rd Officer and Executive Officer .

Lt.JG Alleen Logan of the USS Jurassic - Excellence of duty and volunteerism as Chief of Communications and crewmember.


FCapt. Victor Swindell USS Charleston–NCC-71813 For excellence of duty and volunteerism in serving Region 01 and STARFLEET in a positive way. These include two regional citations for serving the region.


Commander David Phelps-USS Columbia  -for exceptional service as Columbia's OPS Officer, to wit:  Last minute assembling of a door security detail for the Fall 1998 Vulkon.  Acting as head of security for the Mid-Ohio Con.  Hosting both the Columbia's Christmas Party/Gift Exchange and Chapter 1998 New Year'sEveParty.


WO2 Rudy Rothemund USS Columbia-for exceptional service as Columbia's Computer OPS Chief in 1998, to wit:  Creation and maintenance of Columbia's web site.  Hosting numerous premiere parties during live satellite feeds of key sci-fi/Star Trek movies and season premieres/finales.  Actions as ship's defacto diplomatic liaison officer with the Klingon Assault Group at the yearly Dover Peace Conference.


Commander Susan Mahaffey- USS Carolina- for her outstanding service during the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon here in Greenville, SC.  Susan contributed a total of 16 hours on Sept 3,4th 2000.  Because of the efforts of Cmdr Mahaffey the local chapter of the MDA was able to raise over 300,000 dollars that weekend.


1st LT Howard Knapp- USS Carolina-for his outstanding service during the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon here in Greenville, SC.  Howard contributed a total of 16 hours on Sept 3,4th 2000.  Because of the efforts of Lt. Knapp the local chapter of the MDA was able to raise over 300,000 dollars that weekend.


Colonel John Kane-USS Reprisal-for his outstanding service during the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon here in Greenville, SC.  Kiwi, contributed a total of 16 hours on Sept 3,4th 2000.  Driving to join the officers and crew of the USS Carolina from Charlotte NC.  Because of the efforts of Colonel Kane the local chapter of the MDA was able to raise over $300,000 that weekend.

Fleet Captain David James- USS Carolina - for his outstanding work during the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon.  Not only did he give of his time and energy he gave 16 hours total to this effort going above and beyond the call of duty.  Serving a total of 16 hours Sunday, and Monday Sept 3,4.


Major Julie Cook –USS Carolina-because of her performance and outstanding performance during the MDA Labor Day Telethon.  Major Cook not only assisted with answering the phones and other duties as required she also was instrumental in helping to coordinate with the local MDA. While also keeping up with two small children Major Cook, but in a total of 16 hours in helping with the charity event, going above and beyond the call of duty.


Ken Evans- USS Vindicator -efforts fostering cooperation and friendship and for creating a positive environment and for the enrichment of the members and chapters within the North Carolina/South Carolina section.  He has worked over 2 years on comprehensive manual of chess, including multidimensional chess and has been requested to send the manual to multiple people in multiple chapters and multiple regions.


Matt Myers – USS Hawkeye -in recognition of efforts fostering cooperation and friendship and for creating a positive environment and for the enrichment of the members and chapters within the North Carolina/South Carolina section. 


Lt. Cmdr Pamela Bryant – USS Columbus– for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and her service during the year 2000.


Lt. Cmdr J. Eric Davis –USS Asgard– for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and his service during the year 2000.


Cmdr Charles Via  USS Tristar –Medical RDC– For exemplary service to STARFLEET Region One as the RDC of Medical Cmdr. Via efforts and dedication to the position serves as an example to his fellow officers.


Cmdr. Barb Buffington – USS Ohio-For the tremendous assistance and hard work that she rendered to the USS Jurassic during their Amateur Radio Field Day.


1st Lt. Dennis Relyea – USS Reprisal-Dennis has been involved in ALL of the activities that the Reprisal has participated in. He is quick to assist those in need, to lend emotional support, and to bring spirit to STARFLEET. He has performed his post with amazing resilience and dedication, having reported to two RDC's without fail. He has built several props for Chapter functions and in very active in this section of Region One. He goes that extra mile for his extended Fleet family.


CPO Tonya Upchurch –USS Reprisal-Tonya has been a real asset to our chapter and the Region by caring for Reprisal members and other members in the region. She took it upon herself to assemble a med kit and bringing it to every function. She is administered to may Reprisal members. Tonya is very steadfast i her resolve to help those in need. She has also participated in various charity causes such as Toys-for-Tots, and donating her time to care and visit with others in nursing homes.


FCAPT John Winsley – USS Jamestown– for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and his outstanding service to his chapter during the year 2001.


COMM William J. Herrmann - USS Rutledge - For exemplary service and character in rendering comfort, aid and compassion to motorist involved in a traffic accident.


CPO Patti  Herrmann - USS Rutledge - For exemplary service and character in rendering comfort, aid and compassion to motorist involved in a traffic accident.


Lieutenant Dee Dee Leek - Shuttle Kingfisher - For exemplary service in serving as Ship’s Counselor and your diligence as an officer in aiding in the development of your chapter.


Captain Charlie Hess- USS Reprisal - For exemplary service, participation, dedication and leadership as a member and officer aboard your ship. You have earned the admiration and respect of your Commanding Officer and your crew as a extremely capable Executive Officer and a credit to STARFLEET Region One and STARFLEET.


CPO Amy E. Heffner  USS Galifrey - For exemplary service, participation, dedication and leadership as a member and officer aboard your ship. You have earned the admiration and respect of your Commanding Officer and your crew as a extremely capable Ship's Counselor and a credit to STARFLEET Region One and STARFLEET.


LTC Dennis Relyea -Ferengi Ambassador-USS Questar- For exemplary service, participation, dedication as member of the  Region One Alien Ambassador Corp as the Ferengi Ambassador You are a credit to STARFLEET Region One and STARFLEET.


Commander Jeff Davis - USS Questar – for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and service during the year 2002.


Colonel Jason Schreck - USS Jamestown– for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and service during the year 2002.


Commander Sharon Russell - USS Jurassic– for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and service during the year 2002.


Commodore Tammy Willcox - USS Maat – for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and service during the year 2002.


Captain Edith Padgett - USS Charleston – for exemplary dedication and service to STARFLEET Region One and service during the year 2002.


 SMAJ Bill Rowlette - USS Nightstalker - XO of the Nightstalker, restarted the newsletter, started a reading club and taken numerous SFA and SFMC courses. (210709.18)


 Vice Admiral Victor Swindell - USS Charleston - For Service to STARFLEET Region One above and beyond the call of duty and for demonstrating outstanding leadership in their sector. (210710.14)


 Captain James Cecil - USS Nightstalker NCC-74915 - Been with fleet seven years. For his hard work and long hours putting their first newsletter together. Keeps officers and crew informed on everyday ship's duty and as Security Officer he also infoems us of PC viruses and what we can do to solve them. (210711.14)


1 Lt. James Stewart - USS Nightstalker NCC-74915 - For his hard work and long hours in setting up our very first website.(200711.14) 

Jeff Davis, Walter Ewing and Michael Kent of the USS Indiana and Dennis Rayburn and Jill Rayburn of the Nikola Tesla  For  sponsoring and sending 2 CAP cadets to the aviation camp at the Aviation Museum of Kentucky (Oct2008)


Fleet Captain Carl Davis - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - Heimdal Chief Security Officer. Presents a Team Building program once a year. Secured entertainment for the Heimdal's 2008 24th anniversary party and paid for their dinner. Organizes and sponsors Heimdal's Phaser Simulation (paintball). Member of Heimdal's Space Camp Committee. Sends reports to R1RDC Security, submits articles for the Heimdal newsletter. Donates annually to chapter's Salvation Army Food Pantry donation.(210801.05)


 Commodore Glenda Blanks - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - Heimdal's Communications Chief. Attended R1 summit, judged R1 best fanzine annual award, edits chapter's newsletter, member of chapter Space Camp Committee, oversees sales of chapter's cookbook, recognizes Communications dept members with awards.(210801.05)


 Fleet Captain Jeanne Wilson - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - Heimdal's assistant chief medical officer. chair of Heimdal auction committee,sponsor of Heimdal's Christmas raffle (219801.05)


Lt jg Christopher Allen - USS Commonwealth - Quartermaster for the Commonwealth who set up a cafe press site that features various items with Commonwealth logo to generate operating funds for which the chapter can use for any charity the chapter chooses to support. (210903.15)


Fleet Captain Carl Davis - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - Heimdal Chief Security Officer. Presents a Team Building program once a year. Secured entertainment for the Heimdal's 2008 24th anniversary party and paid for their dinner. Organizes and sponsors Heimdal's Phaser Simulation (paintball). Member of Heimdal's Space Camp Committee. Sends reports to R1RDC Security, submits articles for the Heimdal newsletter. Donates annually to chapter's Salvation Army Food Pantry donation. (210905.16) 


Commodore Glenda Blanks - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - Heimdal's Communications Chief. Attended R1 summit, judged R1 best fanzine annual award, edits chapter's newsletter, member of chapter Space Camp Committee, oversees sales of chapter's cookbook, recognizes Communications dept members with awards. (210905.16)


Brigadier Rey Cordero - USS Liberator - Rey has volunteered of his time with Habitat for Humanity in the Columbus, Ohio area. He helped with the building of 8 homes sponsored by his employer.(210905.16)


Fleet Captain Linda Leonardy - USS Endeavor NCC- 72709 - Linda has been an active member of Starfleet's First Fleet since November 09, 1994. While on the Endeavor, she has gone above and beyond what I have expected of her as my XO. (210910.16)


Commodore Meg Roach - USS Appomattox NCC-75001 - Meg is a strong supporter of the Appomattox. It was through her efforts that members interested were taught CPR. Meg with the assistance of the cadet corps decorates the room for special meetings, runs some of the meetings and participates in our activities/events. She participates in the bake sale at Hollywood Video, manned the recruiting table at the Star Trek movie (2009) in uniform, attended the 2009 Region One Summit and went to various panels. She assisted in manning an inflatable at the Labor Dat MDA Carnival. (201005.01)


Fleet Captain Jeanne Wilson -USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - Co chair of Heimdal's Auction committee fifth year in a row. Serving as assistant CMO. Contributions to the Heimdal's newsletter and her participation in Heimdal activities.(201005.01)


Commodore Glenda Blanks - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - For her service as Heimdal's Chief of Communications and the handling of public relations as well as her participation in heimdal activities. her work on the Heimdal Cahrity Auction and her work on various committees. (201005.01)


Vice Admiral Kenny Proehl - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - For his service as the Heimdal's XO since 1982. For all activities and fundraisers he has planned and taken part in such as the Belk Charity Fundraiser, Food Lion Lion's Share program. (201005.01)


Fleet Captain Carl Davis - USS Heimdal NCC-1793 - For his service as Heimdal Chief of Security and reporting to the R1 RDC Security. 19 years of service as a mamber of SFI and the Heimdal. For all the various jobs and roles as well as committees he's been a member of and the various programs he as presented to the Heimdal crew. (201005.01)


Ron Novak - USS Renegade - participated in annual forgotten heroes program November 15, 2009. Civil War, WWI and WWII vets honored. Ron spoke on WWI veterans. (2005.01)


Fleet Captain James & Ltjg Susan Cecil - USS Commonwealth -On October 2, 2010  James Cecil and his wife  Susan Cecil noticed a 2 year old white terrier mix dog roaming the street of Letcher Avenue in which they live on. Fleet Captain Cecil picked up a spare leash and successfully got the little white terrier to come over to him which he promptly hooked the leashed onto the dog's blue collar. Both James and Susan then took the dog to their local vet to see if the dog was micro-chipped which would enable the dog to be reunited with it's owners. Unfortunately the dog was not micro-chipped nor was he neutered and James and Susan had to end up calling the Madison

County Animal Shelter to come pick up the dog. This did not stop them from seeking out the owner of the white terrier mix. James promptly designed a total of ten lost dog fliers and placed them thought the neighborhood in which both he and Susan lives in. It is their hope that the owner lives within their area and will see the fliers and contact the Madison County Animal Shelter or at least the owner will go to the animal shelter and pick up their pet.


Master Gunnery Sergeant Daniel Walker - USS Dakota -  Daniel has been a driving force behind the scenes in the building and outfitting of the Marines the 173rd MSG that is attached to the Dakota. He has beeninstrumental in recruiting both Fleet and Marine members to the current number of 26 while still in shakedown. He positive attitude, fierce determinationand pride within his ship has made others of the Dakota want to strive as well.


 Lt jg Gerald Silman and Dot Silman - USS Jurassic -  The Silmans loaned their home, yard, boat for a weekend in June for the Jurassic annual radio field day. (201105.14)   


Ensign Heather Grant and Ensign Joe Grant - USS Maquis - For their work with the Hike for our Heroes campaign. (201105.14)   


2nd lt Brian Mullin - USS Maquis -  For his efforts in helping the Maquis in the quest for completion of the Vessel Readiness Program by enrolling and passing over 50 SFA courses. (201105.14)       


Lt jg Josh Laury - USS Maquis -  For his compassion and hard work as second officer and counselor. (201105.14)


Fleet Captain Gary Davis - USS Maquis - For his active participation in design and implementation of graphics and material for articles to enhance the visibility and professional image of the USS Maquis. (201105.14)


Commander Aaron Himes - USS Maquis - For his relentless pursuit in hleping organize and aid in chapter activity and participation. For his dedication to the newsletter Badlands. (201005.14)


USS Maquis NCC-75630 - All members of the Maquis during the shakedown cruise from June 6, 2010 to commissioning on May 14, 2011. (201005.14)       


Captain Carnell Eubanks and Captain Peggy Eubanks - USS Starleague - making badges, flyers, redesigning the ship's logos, pamphlets. Volunteering at Heartsong, Pet Trek and Golden Harvest Food Bank. (201005.14)


PO2 Tammy Smith - USS Starleague -Security at Siege of Atlanta, excellent meeting attendance, volunteer work assisting Molly's Militia, Borders gift wrapping and Pet Trek. (201005.14)         


Vice Admiral Wade Larkin - USS Revelation -   Wade has worked very hard on getting the RDC program out to the Region. He has promoted the various programs within the RDC program. Wade has been working with the RDCs giving advice and ideas to help make their programs better and active. Wade has also increase the reports he receives from his RDC heads. Wade has many plans for the RDC program and much hard work has been done with this program by him.    


Lt. jg Eric Bowman - USS Bonaventure - Eric has performed the duties of Chief Engineer and Second Officer with distinction for many years. He routinely drives to members homes or picks up members to transport them to meetings, conventions or group trips when they are without transportation or halfway across the state. He has taken over the duties of  communications by updating the emailing lists and sending out  monthly event and meeting notices. Eric sets up and mans every Starfleet recruiting table that the Bonaventure hosts. He contributes his time, money and resources to all Bonaventure projects such as the can food drives, the bridge set project, and the 2009 Movie premiere. He's always there to help his friends and  fellow Starfleet members with house hold moves, patching driveways  or even a meal or a loan when times are hard. He reaches out and  helps his fellows without regard for himself. He is the very model of a Starfleet Officer.(201105.14)


Christopher Allen - USS Commonwealth - For his hard work and dedication to bring to the crew of the USS Commonwealth items that the crew of the USS Commonwealth may purchase that bears the USS Commonwealth name for their own personal usage (211105.14)    

Cadet Sgt, Caleb Nelson - USS Indiana NCC-79158 - In the ship's donation drive for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation on OCT 29th, 2011, SGT Nelson used his personal people skills to canvass his parents' workplaces to raise $140.00 for this annual ship's effort.(201105.14)


Ensign Mark Williams - USS Indiana NCC-79158 - In the ship's donation drive for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation on Oct 29th, 2011 - ENS Williams used his contacts at work and among his Star Trek friends in town to raise $50.00 for this annual ship's effort.(201105.14)


Lt Brian Detamore - USS Indiana NCC-79157- For USS INDIANA's renewed foray into Charitable contributing, newly rejoined (then LT) Detamore did, using his own contacts in the community, secured $130.00 towards the Indianapolis Aviation Careers Education Camp in July 2011.And again, at the ship's donation drive for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation on Oct 29th, 2011 - LCDR Detamore raised $200.00 for this annual Ship's Effort and outperformed everyone by walking 3.1 miles and finishing among the leaders in the Indy JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes.


Rear Admiral Steve Harper - USS Columbus - this past Christmas season he spent 21 days at the Karl Road library branch collecting toys and cash donations for the Firefighters for Kids toy drive. He stood outside the library for 3 hours no matter the weather. He also gave the information to people who may be in need of assistance from the firefighters drive.(201112.28)


Darlene Harper - USS Columbus - For giving of  time to judge the 2011 R1 Annual Awards and her service to R1 as the chairperson for the R1 Space Camp project for 2011 and her service as USS Columbus JAG Officer (201205.19)


Teresa Remaly - USS Pelileu - For giving of her time to judge the R1 2011 Annual Awards (201205.19)


Roger Scritchfield - USS Arizona - For giving of his time to judge the R1 2011 Annual Awards (201205.19)


Rey Cordero - USS Liberator - For giving of his time to judge the R1 2011 Annual Awards (201205.19)


Valerie Rose - USS Indiana For giving of her time to judge the R1 2011 Annual Awards (201205.19)


Charlie Hess - USS Revelation - For giving of his time to judge the R1 2011 Annual Awards (201205.19)


Scott Gibson - USS Bonaventure - For giving of his time to judge the R1 2011 Annual Awards (201205.19)


USS Jurassic Science Dept - The hard work and service to SFI Region One as Science Dept of the USS Jurassic for 2011 (201205.12)


Nancy Hall - USS Jurassic - For her service as USS Jurassic CompOps Dept Chief for 2011 (2012.05.19)


Jeremy Warneke - USS Renegade - Jeremy helped collect food and monetary donations throughout 2011 for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Mahoning County. Jeremy is also in Boy Scouts of America and works on various projects to help the environment. (201205.19)


Admiral Willy Smith - USS Heimdal - 2nd. Officer & often does job as second in command.Heimdal's Chief Science Officer. Communicates regularly with his RDC. Communicates regularly with his department members. Attends 100% of all chapter meetings & functions. Donates to Food Pantry donation & to animal shelter ink jet donation.. Member of the Executive Committee. Is a member of the Space Camp Committee Does computer tracking of auction items at Bag & Tag9. Does computer tracking of sales at auction & receives payment  Is one of Regional Awards Directors.  Contributes photos to the Startfleet CQContributes to chapter newsletter, is in charge of distribution, is Staff PhotographerIs Heimdal Membership Coordinator16. Is co-host of Space Camp Committee meetings at his home.17. Participates in Executive Planning Committee meeting18. Is dependable, volunteers & everyone likes & respects Willy.19. Puts together the Heimdal's Directory with Communications Chief & updates the roster20. Would like nothing more than to have a whole chapter full of members exactly liike Willy (201205.19)


Vice Admiral Mary Kane – USS Hornet Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing. Pack the shoeboxes with items for needy children at Christmas.  Mary donated numerous mini-shower gels, shampoos, body lotions and lip balms to the upcoming Room In The Inn program at her church (Holy Comforter Episcopal). She also donated four boxes of hot chocolate. (This is a program where various churches take in the overflow homeless for one night each week from December through March.)Mary donated another lot of shower gels, shampoos and lotions, and a couple dozen full-size hand creams to RITI.$10 donation to the Scholarship Fund$200 donation to fund to help Starfleet member pay co-pays and utility bills while they are fighting lung cancer.$50 to Doctors Without Borders;$50 to Light the Night Walk (sponsoring Teri Roberts, in honor of Beth Roberts); $50 to Help Riley Hear(deaf/autistic nephew of Lisa Sawyer Jackson); $48 to NetsForLife (Episcopal Relief and Development to eliminate malaria in 17 countries in sub-Saharan Africa);Mary has help with charity donations with other Hornet members that has not been stated here. She tries to help the less fortunate as much as she is able too. (201205.19)


Fleet Captain Carl Davis – USS Heimdal - 1. As in previous years, Carl has headed up our project to build a float entry for the Amherst Christmas Parade. He supplied some of the building materials at his expense, gave the benefit of his construction abililty, offered his huge shed for construction & was a character on the actual float.2. Acted once again as our auctioneer for the Heimdal's Annual Charity Auction. Carl's sense of humor & ability to move the auction along - ending right on schedule - have endeared him to our return auction guests. He also participated in bagging & tagging the auction items & kept them at his home for 2 weeks prior to the auction ... all 201 of them.3. Carl does an exemplary job as Security Chief. He presents a chapter program annually that is open to the public ... the most recent one on gun safety. He holds Paser Simulation (paint ball) for the chapter at his paint ball course & awards certificates of completion to those who "qualify" with phasers. He presents certificates & awards to members of his department to acknowledge their good work.4. Carl attends 96% of all meetings, socials & events. He contributes to our Salvation Army Food Pantry donation & to our used ink jet donation to the animal shelter. He hosted a "game station" at our Halloween Party.5. Is a member of our Executive Committee & is often an advisor to the CO.6. He is on the Heimdal's Space Camp Committee.7. Carl is a Baptist minister & is concerned for our souls ...8. Was once again one of 3 members selected as Crewmember of the Year in 2011.Would love to have an entire chapter full of Carls.


TJ Allen - Robert de Bruce - T jJ has always been a Johnny-on-the-spot with all of his chapter duties. He sets up the meetings for the chapter.(201305.04) 


Peggy  Eubanks - USS Star League - For her volunteerism outside the Star League. Service as yeoman to CO. Sens birthday ecards to Star League members. (201305.04)


Alex Averett - USS Star League - Provided a trailer for Star League float that was in Miss. Augusta Christmas parade. Assisted in the building of the float. Helped organize a ship's away mission to the Starship Farragut festival (201305.04)


Paul Dyl - USS Helen Pawlowski - honor guard 2013 summit (201305.16)


Ensign Andrea Matthews - USS Odin - For her marked distinction and being directly involved with projects improving her chapter and its members. As a new member she jumped directly into helping her crew with vibrant enthusiasm. Andrea and Captain Bergdorff  began creating an all new membership package, and she has been paramount in the design and completion of the new materials thus far. (201306.23)


Captain Hooper - USS Odin - For his marked distinction and being directly involved with projects improving his chapter and its members. As a new transfer member Captain Hooper jumped directly into helping the crew with his experience in web design and SFI protocols. His skills in graphic design, web design, and overall Star Trek knowledge has helped extensively in the creation of new membership materials and bringing back the crew newsletter, again showing his dedication, and leadership prowess. (201306.23)


1st Lt Sam Phillips - USS Helen Pawlowski - 120th MSG for past year. Participated in all chapter activities. Headed up Toys for Tots holiday drive. Serves on chapter newsletter editing and layout team. (201312.13)


Ltjg Jessica Reynolds - USS Helen Pawlowski -Jessica has served as the Chief Support Services for the past year. Her hard work and dedication has been a great asset to the overall accomplishments of the chapter. She is also responsible for the purchasing and design of the chapter t-shirts, and assists with the editing for the chapter newsletter "The Guardian" and both the R1 RC newsletter and R1 newsletter. (201312.29)


Lt. James Nelson - USS Helen Pawlowski - James has served as the Chief Security Officer for the past year. His hard work and dedication has been a great asset to the overall accomplishments of the chapter. She is also responsible for the purchasing and design of the chapter t-shirts, and assists with the editing for the chapter newsletter "The Guardian" and both the R1 RC newsletter and R1 newsletter. (201312.29)


Lt Kattie Staples - USS Helen Pawlowski - Served as CSO past year. Completed OTS and OCC. Assisted with articles for newsletter. Assisted with editing chapter newsletter. (201312.29)


Cmdr Carol Dyl - USS Helen Pawlowski - Carol has served as the First Officer for the past 16 months. She also serves as the R1  RDC of Paranormal Sciences. Her hard work and dedication has been a great asset to the overall accomplishments of the chapter. She is also responsible for the purchasing and design of the chapter t-shirts, and assists with the editing for the chapter newsletter "The Guardian" and both the R1 RC newsletter and R1 newsletter. (201312.29)


Ltjg Ashley Walker - USS Helen Pawlowski - She has served as the Chief Communications Officer for one year. She oversees the editing and publication of the chapter's newsletter which won best R1 bi-monthly newsletter 2012. Ashley also serves as assistant editor for the R1 RC newsletter and the R1 newsletter. (201312.29)


Captain Carnell Eubanks - USS Star League - For assistance with designing logos for Barry Jackson, R1 newsletter editor and R2 chapter USS Victorious.


TJ Allen - USS Robert de Bruce - December 2013 TJ attended Klingon Feast in Daytona, Florida. He represented SFI, R1 and the Robert de Bruce at the Klingon Captain's call. He participated in "Story Cube", one of the Klingon games. He was a judge for one of many Klingon contests held that weekend.


LtCmdr Peter Hopkins - USS Heimdal - Chief engineering officer, attending meetings, serving on three committees, liaison between Heimdal and local schools to promote Heimdal Space Camp scholarship.


Carl Davis - USS Heimdal - Security chief, attending meetings, auctioneer for Heimdal auction, bagging and tagging of auction items.


FCaptain Mary Holden - USS Star League - organizing a Meet & Greet at local book store, personalized letters to potential members and participating in all of the year's (2013) charitable activities and recruiting events.


Vice Admiral James Herring - USS Missouri - For volunteering and giving of his time to serve as judge for Region One 2013 Annual Awards. (201404.09)


David Miller - USS Helen Pawlowski - 20 years SFI member. Serves as Chapter CMO. Supports chapter activities. Submits articles for newsletter. (201312.30)


Ensign Sean Patterson - USS Lagrange - organized our annual Akron Canton Regional Food Bank  Bowl-a-thon. He gives his time and energy to organize this fund-raiser, which he also opens up to the public at the bowling alley that he manages in Akron.In 2014,  not only did Lagrange members bowl away the night, but a class reunion group came back to the old neighborhood to join us.During that fun night, we had the online movie guys from the Phil and Erik show broadcasting and interviewing the attendees.  Also delicious snacks were provided by Sean's mother and pizza slices were sold to raise even more money.Door prizes and raffles and old horror movies added to the entertainment.Although the evening constituted only 5 volunteer hours for Sean, this is deceptive because he works on this all year long---sending out invitations and selling raffle tickets. (201405.17)


Rear Admiral Carl Davis - USS Heimdal -  Carl Does an exemplary job as Security Chief.  Is a member of the Space Camp Committee & the Executive Committee Planning Meeting.Corresponds with his Regional Division Chief.  For hosting Phaser Simulation several times a year & and building teamwork. Presents a team-building program annually. Coordinated the Heimdal’s presence at the Hull Drive-In for a promotion & and recruiting event during the showing of Star Trek: BEYOND. For serving as the Heimdal’s auctioneer for the 11th. year in a row. For being a part of the Bag & Tag auction team. For working at Riverviews / Heimdal’s 50th. Star Trek Celebration & Movie Marathon. For setting up the 50 Years of Star Trek exhibit at Riverviews with Linda & and Kenny. For donating items from his collection to the exhibit & and manning the exhibit alone on several occasions.  For displaying his Galileo Shuttlevan at Riverviews / Heimdal’s 50th. Star Trek Celebration & Movie Marathon. For corresponding with new Heimdal members. For contributing numerous articles to the newsletter. For running an Activity Station at the Halloween Party. For being an advisor to the Heimdal’s commanding officer.For coordinating the Heimdal’s float construction& and entry in the Amherst Christmas Parade. Hosting float construction at his home. (201705.04)


Carl Irvin - USS Star League - Carl in his role as ass’t dept chief medical has been truly supportive of the chapter during the year 2016. Attending over 90% of our events. Attended both Region One summit and SFI IC. He also assists wherever he is needed on activities such as parade, food and recruitment drives (201705.04)


Ltjg Clark Fox - USS Robins - LTJG, Clark Fox, joined in July 9, 2016, in the first week he already had his OTS, OCC. He is very active in the USS Robins. He has always shown initiative and strive in helping the commander ideas to better the chapter. He also has taken numerous courses in Starfleet Academy and has Bridge Officer Certified in 5 Departments since last year. Clark Fox has shown what a Starfleet member should be through his actions. He also has volunteered to become a Assistant Dean in Starfleet Academy too (201705.04)


Vice Admiral Glenda Blanks - USS Heimdal - For doing an exemplary job as Communications Chief. For being a member of the Space Camp Committee & the Executive Committee Planning Meeting. For corresponding with his Regional Division Chief. For corresponding with new Heimdal members. For being Editor of the Rainbow Connection newsletter. For writing approximately half of the articles in the newsletter. For recycling the Heimdal’s aluminum collection. For recruiting at Star Port for the opening of Star Trek: BEYOND. For attending the movie in uniform with Heimdal members. For purchasing Christmas gifts for 2 senior citizens for the Heimdal. For working at the 2016 Heimdal auction. For working at auction Bag & Tag. For canvassing for the auction & bringing in a large number of donations for the event. For working at Riverviews / Heimdal’s 50th. Star Trek Celebration & Movie Marathon. For running an Activity Station at the Halloween Party. For coordinating the Angela’s Restaurant fundraiser. For working at the opening of the new Venue Theater. For assisting an elderly member on an on-going basis. For securing meeting guest speakers. (201705.04)


Admiral Willy Smith - USS Heimdal - keeps track of the Heimdal’s canned good donations. Member of the Space Camp Committee & the Executive Committee. Attended the EC Planning Meeting. Corresponds with his Regional Division Chief. Staff Photographer for the Rainbow Connection. Also is the Distribution person for the newsletter. Contributes numerous articles to the newsletter. Put together a retrospective video for the Heimdal’s Anniversary Party. For participating in the Heimdal’s Anniversary Video, Sink or Swim & for producing the blooper reel. Attended the Angela’s Restaurant fundraiser. Participated in Phaser Simulation throughout the year. Volunteered time recruiting at Star Port during the opening of Star Trek: BEYOND. For attending Star Trek: BEYOND in costume on opening night. Participated in the Heimdal’s promotion at Hull Drive-In for the opening of Star Trek: BEYOND. Donated a large number of items to the auction. For computer tracking the auction donations. For participating in Auction Bag & Tag. For participating in the auction by tracking auction bids. For helping set up the auction. Worked 10 out of 11 days at Riverviews / Heimdal’s 50th. Star Trek Celebration & Movie Marathon. (201705.04)


Robin Fleming - USS Freedom - For volunteering and giving of her time to serve as a judge for the Region One 2016 Annual Awards (201705.13)


MAJ GEN Parmley - USS Constellation - Steve runs Membership Processing team. And his hard work dedication is the embodiment of hard work and determination represents his Ship and Region 1(201805.19)


Commodore Ron Seay - USS Constellation - Ron serves on the Membership Processing team, and his hard work and dedication represents his Ship and his region (201805.19)


Commodore Susan Seay - USS Constellation - Susan serves on the Membership Processing team, and his hard work and dedication represents his Ship and his region (201805.19)


PO3 Carnell Renew - USS Star League - For his dedication and efforts toward the chapters Christmas Parade participation. Mr. Renew, helped to supply and load materials, assisted with wiring the lighted portions of the model “phasers” assemble and disassemble the float he also supplied the tow vehicle and pulled the float for us.(201805.19)


Carolyn Irvin - USS Star League - For her continued dedication and efforts toward the chapters endeavors! Carolynn has participated in nearly every chapter activity during 2017. He has been a part of fun activities ranging from movies to an away mission to the Biltmore Estates, camping. Often transporting other members to events whom would not be able to attend otherwise. She has helped to bring recognition to our chapter, the Region and STARFLEET by his participation in charitable events such as food drives, recruitment drives and other events! (201805.19)


Commodore Carl Irvin - USS Star League - For his continued dedication and efforts toward the chapters endeavors! Carl has participated in nearly every chapter activity during 2017. He has been a part of fun activities ranging from movies to an away mission to the Biltmore Estates, camping. He has helped to bring recognition to our chapter, the Region and STARFLEET by his participation in charitable events such as food drives, recruitment drives and other events! (201805.19)


Jason Williams - USS Yorktown - Jason has served on the Yorktown admirably. He has supported the crew/ship in several projects both for the ship and the region. He served as RC, though short, with grace under fire and did his best to better the region. (202101.03)


Jude Peace -  USS Bonaventure - Jude serves as Communications Officer of the Bonaventure. This is an important position, of course, but during the COVID-era, Jude served above and beyond her duties. She worked with a prior-CO of the chapter, still in membership, to set-up our monthly Zoom meetings. She made a point to contact chapter members to get them the Zoom information and keep the chapter going during this challenging time of no longer meeting in-person. Jude also re-established the chapter monthly newsletter which had gone defunct for months. In addition to the above, she served as Director of several STARFLEET Academy courses, including College of the U.S. Constitution. She saw the “refit” of all her courses into the new Academy format, has always been a present and contributing members of the chapter, and also helped develop a new COVID-era chapter gathering – the monthly “drop-in.” Not only do we have our monthly chapter meetings (with business and usually an activity), but now we have an additional monthly gathering where members can chat about what they are watching on TV, movies, books, etc. This has helped maintain the social life for many members who are maintaining quarantine conditions. Jude is a leader of the chapter, not just the Communications Officer – she e-mails leadership and members to ensure we are maintaining STARFLEET regulations, such as privacy, and that we keep moving forward as a chapter, even in these challenging times. She was recently elected chapter XO in January 2021. (202101.15)


Tammy White - USS Heimdal - Serving as the Heimdal’s Chief Medical Officer. Shopping for Christmas gifts from the Heimdal for 5 Angel Tree children. Continuing with her duties during the extreme illness & loss of her mother during 2020. Serving on the Heimdal’s Space Camp Committee & Executive Committee. Helping the Command Staff make difficult decisions in 2020 regarding meetings & events during the pandemic. Making suggestions for meetings & events that have kept the chapter active & fun during challenging times. For being an asset to her chapter & Commanding Officer.  (202102.17) (202201.17)


Glenda Blanks - USS Heimdal - For being editor & staff writer of the Heimdal’s monthly newsletter. For recycling the Heimdal’s aluminum collection. For shopping for Christmas gifts from the Heimdal for 7 senior citizens for Christmas. For doing an excellent job as Heimdal Communications Chief. For serving on the Heimdal’s Space Camp Committee & Executive Committee. For helping the Command Staff make difficult decisions in 2020 regarding meetings & events during the pandemic. For making suggestions for meetings & events that have kept the chapter active & fun during challenging times. For being an asset to her chapter & Commanding Officer  (202102.17) (202201.17)


Carl Davis - USS Heimdal - For serving in an exemplary manner as Heimdal’s Second Officer; for filling the position in a unique & irreplaceable way. For being part of the 3 members of the Command Staff & making difficult decisions for the Heimdal during the pandemic. For attending all Heimdal meetings, sponsoring 3 & continuing to sponsor Paintball (Phaser Simulation) through 2020. For being the guiding force behind the Heimdal’s Christmas parade float that won the Grand Champion plague for Best Use of the Parade Theme. For being a huge asset to the commanding officer.  For doing an exemplary job as Chief of Security. For serving on the Heimdal’s Space Camp Committee, Command Staff & Executive Committee. For working with the Command Staff making difficult decisions in 2020 regarding meetings & events during the pandemic. For making suggestions for meetings & events that have kept the chapter active & fun during challenging times. For being an extreme asset to his chapter & Commanding Officer. (202102.17)

Bonnie Davis - USS Heimdal - Attends 98% of all meetings & events. Attends 98% of all Heimdal paintball games (Phaser Simulation Practice). Was invaluable in construction of the Heimdal's float for the Amherst Christmas Parade that WON the Grand Champion Award for Best Float. (202201.17)


Darrell Millner - USS Heimdal - Mr. Millner has done exceptional work with the Engineering department on his ship. He produces a monthly newsletter for the department and shares both a detailed report on what that department is doing as well as the newsletter with the VRC of Operations in Region 1 who is acting RDC Director. (202201.17)


Tim Hazlett - USS Heimdal - Serves as Heimdal’s Chief Chaplain.Submitted articles to the Heimdal newsletter. Acting as one of two Heimdal ZOOM Coordinators making virtual meetings possible. Attending majority of 2021 meetings & events through ZOOM. Serving on the Heimdal’s Space Camp Committee & Executive Committee.Helping the Command Staff make difficult decisions in 2021 regarding meetings & events during the pandemic. For making suggestions for meetings & events that have kept the chapter active & fun during challenging times  (202201.17)


Zak Lyon - USS Heimdal - Serves as Heimdal’s Chief Chaplain.Submitted articles to the Heimdal newsletter. Acting as one of two Heimdal ZOOM Coordinators making virtual meetings possible. Attending majority of 2021 meetings & events through ZOOM. Serving on the Heimdal’s Space Camp Committee & Executive Committee.Helping the Command Staff make difficult decisions in 2021 regarding meetings & events during the pandemic. For making suggestions for meetings & events that have kept the chapter active & fun during challenging times (202201.17)


Wyatt Evans - USS Explorer - Commander Evans successfully planned and executive a chapter food drive which collected over 250 pounds of dry goods for the Second Harvest Food Bank in Nashville, Tennessee. (202207.23)


Susan Mahaffey - USS Ronald E McNair - Region One Summit 2021-2022 Scavenger Hunt Coordinator (202209.07)


Annette Hoppa - USS Renegade - For working Registration table at Region One Summit 2021-2022. (202209.07)


John Hoppa - USS Renegade - For hosting Communications Panel and working Registration table at Region One Summit 2021-2022. (202209.07)


Antonio DeAngelis III - unassigned - For working security and color guard at 2021-2022 Region One Summit (202209.07)


Jill Rayburn - Station Nikola Tesla - For providing STARFLEET Academy  Region One Summit 2021-2022.(202209.07)


Don Horn - Station Nikola Tesla - For working  STARFLEET Academy  at Region One Summit 2021-2022. (202209.07)


Steve Parmley - USS Constellation - For working security and color guard at Region One Summit 2021-2022 (202209.07)


Phillip M Cox III - USS Thunder - For working security and color guard at Region One Summit 2021-2022. (202209.07)


Michael Balough - USS Lagrange - Commander Michael Balough traveled to Youngstown to help the crew of the USS Renegade with their entry of their Shuttle Craft Float for the Austintown Township 4th of July Parade. (2022008.29


Angela Leopard - SS Bennu - Helped with Registration and Panels at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit Helped with Registration and Panels at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202210.01)


Anthony Leopard - SS Bennu - Helped with Registration and Panels at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit (220209.07)


Ben Redding - SS Bennu - Helped with Registration and Panels at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202209.07)


Brian Griffin - USS Reprisal - Working Security at Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202209.07)


Greg Frankline - USS Reprisal - Working Security at Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202209.07)


Kelly McDermott - USS Kitty Hawk - Working Security at Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202209.07)


Mike Wilson - USS  Aries - Working Security at Region One 2021-2022 summit (202209.07)


Naomi Durall - USS ArIes - Planned and provided music at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit Dance (202209.07)


Rick Stubblefield - USS Aries - Planned and provided music at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit Dance (202209.07)


Robert Jackson - USS Columbus - Helping with Registration at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202209.07)


Stephen Stott - USS Ronald E McNair - Helping with Registration at the Region One 2021-2022 Summit (202209.07)


Brian Grisham, Darrin and Ruth Sutherland, William Antico - USS Kitty Hawk - Participating in a competitive debate on behalf of the USS Kitty Hawk against representatives of the Carolina Garrison of the 501st Regiment at the 2024 GalaxyCon
in Raleigh, NC. The Kitty Hawk Team won and raised hundreds of dollars for charity.(202408.10)

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