Fleet Captain Charlotte Gordon - USS Columbia - Charlotte works for Ascension St. Vincent Hospital in Evansville, IN. She works in Information Technology as a Field Service agent. She was asked to stay on site and work in upkeep of the Hospital's computer systems. She was On Call for 3 weeks straight 24/7. (202006.13)
Captain Christopher Kaelin - USS Columbia - Chris, provides counseling services to male probationary, paroles, and inmates for the department of corrections. He meets with his guys on a regular basis to help them with any issues. He had a full caseload during the Pandemic. (202006.13)
Admiral Jason Schreck - USS Columbia - Jason Schreck is one of 3 known officers that are still performing his/her duties for the public as a civil service as an “essential employee”. He goes to work everyday without worries for his health and performs his duties. He ensures that the public still receives bank transactions and they have access to their funds. He is a true hero during these times for the Covid-19 pandemic. Without him the public would not have the funds to buy essential items and pay their bills. He is the backbone of America (202006.13)
TJ Allen - USS North Carolina - TJ works at a Pharmaceutical Company keeping the machines and co punters going during COVID-19 so that the manufacturing of medications can still happen (202009.07)
BDR Wallace Cady - USS Liberator - Working as a medical courier throughout the pandemic. Wallace delivered medical supplies to nursing homes and COVID wards around the region (202010.02)
LGEN Rey Cordero - USS Liberator - Support to the veterans with their needs to include emergency food supplies, and transport coordination to the local VA hospital. He assisted the veterans with VA claims and benefits issues, maintained phone coverage and outreaches to the veterans since they were unable to come to the office for five months (202010.02)
Admiral Ruth Lane - USS Liberator - Ruth continues to provide IT support for essential workers (202010.02)
CMDR Matt Darling - USS Vandalia - Worked as helicopter pilot transporting COVID patients between facilities (202010.02)
Lt Wendy Darling - USS Vandalia - Wendy worked as an essential retail worker during COVID pandemic (202010.02)
Michael Burgio - USS Moebius - Michael Burgio has been working as an infrastructure subcontractor working at hospitals as an essential worker against the pandemic since March of 2020. (202010.02)
CRMN Beth Edwards - USS Appomattox - Mary (Beth) works at Kroger in the Deli/Bakery area. As they are short handed, she has had to pull more shifts trying to ensure that the wanted foods are prepared properly and delivered or presented in a timely manner. Although the pace can get hectic, she is a very hard and reliable worker. (202010.02)
PO 3 Michelle Smith - Michelle works for McDonald's as a manager. She has worked continuously through out this pandemic sometimes putting in over 40 hour weeks. She has never missed a scheduled day and has come in when they are short-handed (202110.02)
Drew Sapp - USS Star League - Drew works for school district and while school changed to virtual format he still had to meet with parents and students to collect assignment packets and do other necessary duties. (202010.02)
Peggy Eubanks - USS Star League - Peggy works in a retail establishment that was considered essential and has had to work during the pandemic (202010.02)
Thomas Lehman - USS Star League -Thomas is a school teacher and had to work during the COVID pandemic. He had to meet with students even though School had been changed to virtual learning (202010.02)
Lt. Aaron Knowles - USS Star League - Aaron Knowles is a school teacher for Aiken County an even though schools were on virtual learning he still had to go to the school and meet with students and collect lessons that had to be turned in. (202010.02)
Commodore Carnell Eubanks - USS Star League - Carnell works for a Nation Defense subcontractor and being considered an essential employee has had to work and continues to work during the pandemic (202010.02)
Rear Admiral Jana Sandarg - USS Star League - Jana Sandarg is a teacher at a local university and while classes where changed to online classes she still had to meet with students at the campus. (202010.02)
CRMN Joe Jackson - USS Star League - Joe Jackson is a hospital employee in the environmental service department having to report to work during the pandemic. (202010.02)
CRMN Jennifer Yourchak - USS Star League - Jennifer Yourchak works at a day care where she had to prepare meals for the children so the parents could work during the pandemic (202010.02)
John Brice Jr, - USS Serenity - has been working during the entire time of Covid as a EMT, and has constantly been around people that had tested positive for the virus (202012.26)
Victor Swindell - USS Ronald E McNair - Worked as a stocker at Walmart. In March 2020 stockers could not even get items to the shelf after it came off the trucks. Customers would literally snatch them off the palettes. Needless to say without us stockers getting items from the trucks to the shelf..things could have been worse. (202012.31)
Captain Frisco Sullivan - USS Serenity - has been working as an front line worker at an restaurant all during this year of the Pandemic. (202112.28)
Patrick Mulder - USS Yorktown - Patrick has organized at first a small group but has now grown to over 100 in his community. They deliver foods and medicines, provide goodwill, to those shut in due to the pandemic. He has worked non- stop, this is a volunteer job, in addition to his real life job with the public. (202101.03)
Cheryl Williams - USS Yorktown - Cheryl is a nurse and has been on the front lines continuously (202101.03)
Jason Williams - USS Yorktown - Jason has continued his work with maintenance on several facilities' HVAC to ensure comfort to residents and patients (202101.03)
Amanda Bailey - USS Yorktown - Amanda has continued to serve as a Pharmacy Tech throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. (202101.03)
Brian Ipock - USS Yorktown - Brian has continuously worked outside the home to insure that all technology is maintained for the facility in which he is employed. He has been exposed repeatedly but has maintained his employment for the welfare of others.(202101.03)
Thomas Donohoe - USS Yorktown - Except for working 3 weeks from home at the beginning of the pandemic here in the US, Thomas has maintained his job at ETSU, dealing with the public and ensuring students got the help that they needed, while maintaining the safety of the students and his staff.(202101.03)
Bruce Schulman - USS Hornet - Bruce is a middle school social studies teacher. He developed online-based curriculum for his students and other teachers in Mecklenburg County. He was a major participant in reopening schools in the fall. (202101.03)
Donna Smith- Parker - USS Hornet - Donna works at the USPS; no days off during the pandemic for her (202101.03)
Dennis Rayburn - Nikola Tesla - Dennis works at McDonald's , and except for the restaurant had to be closed and when he had Covid himself, worked throughout the pandemic. (202101.03)
Don Horn - Nikola Tesla - Don works at a Walmart Neighborhood Market, and except for medical leave for knee replacement, worked throughout the pandemic (202101.03)
John 'Kiwi' Kane - Working at Amazon throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic (202101.09)
Kelly Dudley - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a grocery service employee at Kroger, working as an assistant manager. Working with the public under stressful conditions & different shifts. (202101.19)
Dennis Henderson - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as an electrician, making sure construction & renovations have power in order to continue (202101.19)
Daryl Gooch - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a grocery service employee at Kroger. (202101.19)
Paul Muse - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a grocery service employee at Kroger, working Lead Quality Assurance for perishable product. . Working with the public under stressful conditions. (202101.19)
Willy Smith - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a Power company Underground Crew Foreman, making sure electricity is put into homes & businesses. Being “on call” to assure businesses, hospitals & homes have continuing power during power outages. (202101.19)
Sarah Webb - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a Patient Engagement Specialist and working closely with patients every day from several different medical services including pediatrics & OB/GYN (202101.19)
Tim Hazlett - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a Methodist minister. Keeping his church active virtually by presenting on-line Sunday services & on-line Tuesday worship. By being available to his congregation throughout the pandemic. (202101.19)
Nicola Lemmer - USS Heimdal - For being a Front line Essential Worker during the COVID-19 pandemic as a Methodist minister. Keeping his church active virtually by presenting on-line Sunday services & on-line Tuesday worship. By being available to his congregation throughout the pandemic. (202101.19)
Kim Donohoe - USS Yorktown - Admiral Donohoe has been active since the pandemic started. She has made over 400 masks for donations when masks were hard to find. Nearly every day she cares for her parents in their home, takes them to doctor appointments, marketing, and cooks meals, and as of last week took them for their first vaccine. In addition to that, she does the marketing for an elderly neighbor as well as taking her to doctor appointments as needed. Our daughter works from her home and has health issues. She also does the same for her. A huge supporter of mask wearing, and strives to educate others (202101.21)
Annette Hoppa - USS Renegade - Works as a Paralegal for a Law Office in Mahoning County, Ohio. The Mahoning count courts did not shut down during pandemic. (202102.02)
Christy Conde - USS Renegade - Works at Zekelman Industries-a Steel and fabrication plant during pandemic 202102.02)
Daniel McClure -Neff - USS Renegade - Works for Southwoods Hospital as a Clinical director Family Based Family Health- Provided home visits for mental services during the Pandemic. (202102.02)
Derek Rinard - USS Renegade - Works driving truck delivering food and goods to stores across the country.. (202102.02)
Hilda Rodriguez - USS Renegade - Worked at Goodwill and taking in donations during Pandemic. (02/02?21)
Jimmy McClure - Neff - USS Renegade - Works as a nurse at Manor Care Long Term Care facility in Pittsburgh, PA. He was diagnosed with Covid-19 but is back to work now. (202102.01)
Ron Novak - USS Renegade - Works at a Hazardous material Technician in Columbiana , Ohio.(202102.02)
John Hoppa - USS Renegade - John is employed at WFMJ/WBCB a television station in Youngstown broadcasting news and local programming. He was given special media clearance through Homeland Security to be out during the lock down.(202102.02)
Jonathan Casas - USS Charon - Jonathan is an essential worker, He’s a mortuary transporter and has picked those who passed away from Covid. (202102.02)
Stephanie Roane - USS Charon - Stephanie has served as an essential worker as a full time Veterinary Technician during the whole of the CoVid pandemic. Stephanie interacted with the public while helping to provide care for our sick and injured pets at the Lawndale Veterinary Hospital.(202102.02)
Tara Fraley - USS Reprisal - Tara has served as a RN throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, risking her life to help those patients in a professional manner. (202102.02)
Eric Bowman - USS Charon - Eric has been a front line essential worker serving as the Hazardous Materials Inspector for the United Parcel Service Distribution Center in Greensboro for the entirety of the CoVid Pandemic.(202102.02)
Peter Yohe - USS Reprisal - Peter has served honorably as a Paramedic on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic (02/2/21)
Haley Larkin - USS Reprisal -Haley has worked in a retail position providing for her customers and allowing our way of life to continue during the COVID-19 pandemic. (02/2/21)
Greg Franklin - USS Reprisal - Greg served as a Paramedic up until he suffered a back injury in September of 2020. He and his colleagues risked their lives on a daily basis to help protect and serve those people needing their service.(202102.02)
Stephanie Cantrell - USS Aries - Stephanie has worked throughout the pandemic as a home health caregiver to patients with severe illness and disabilities. This work not only puts them at personal risk, but in the interest of caring for their clients in the safest means possible they have given up personal freedoms in their life to minimize exposure risk and has at times operated in personal quarantine for long stretches to ensure the safety of at-risk clients. Like most frontline care workers, their employer-provided PPE, when existent at all, has been woefully inadequate and they have had to bridge the gap on thier own again for their clients' safety (202102.15)
Jon Darnell - USS Serenity - His continued advocacy and effort in fighting COVID where he works at Guilford College in Greensboro, NC. Captain Darnell is a part-time employee currently in dining services and continues to serve meals and clean a very busy liberal arts college during a pandemic. A pandemic that also has caused four of his fellow employees to fall ill. Because of Captain Darnell’s cooperation in assisting Guilford College with contact tracing no other employees have gotten sick including himself. (202102.17)
Steven Rowley - USS Yorktown - Steven is the manager of a supermarket. It has continued to stay open full time since the pandemic started. He has worked double and even triple shifts to keep the store running, providing food to customers. (202102.15)
Troy Dahman - USS Yorktown - Troy is employed by a company that provides medical in home care and assisted care. He has maintained this position on the front lines since the beginning of the pandemic (202102.15)
Captain Judy Durrall - USS Columbia - Judy is one of those Walmart essential workers. Her normal job is with the training academy but the training programs have been put on hold and she is supporting the store. During these times she is making sure our stores are stocked and the public is getting the items they need. (202102.15)
Travis Cash - USS Freedom - Essential personnel during the pandemic; US Department of Defense contractor (202201.17)
Andre Cunningham - USS Freedom - Essential personnel during the pandemic; US Department of Defense contractor (202201.17)
Dave Purks - USS Freedom - Essential personnel during a pandemic; critical internet infrastructure (202201.17)
Jeffrey Roemer - USS Freedom - Current Nurse/EMT and Nursing/EMT instructor (202201.17)
Michael Ramsay - USS Freedom - Essential personnel during the pandemic; US Government contractor (202201.17)
William Ramsay - USS Freedom - Essential personnel during the pandemic; US Department of Defense contractor (202201.17)
Nicholas Dimini - USS Freedom - Current law enforcement officer (202201.17)
Terry Gray - USS Freedom - Current volunteer firefighter/EMT (202201.17)
Rachel Friend - USS Explorer - LCDR Rachel Friend was an essential worker during the COVID-19 Pandemic. LCDR Friend worked as a teacher at High Hopes Academy in Franklin, TN and taught in person and online year-round to ensure her students received an education during lockdown procedures. (202206.06)
Cmdr Wyatt Evans - USS Explorer - CMDR Evans served as a law enforcement officer during the Covid 19 pandemic and was activated by the National Guard to secure and operate COVID testing sites across Tennessee providing free testing to thousands of citizens. (202206.25)
LCDR Roy Hollar - USS Ronald E McNair - worked throughout the pandemic. (202308.16)
Brian Grisham - USS Kitty Hawk - Brian actively served in the US military during the COVID pandemic (202407.20)
Murphy & Phillip Holloman - USS Kitty Hawk - Hurricane Helene relief collection and delivery October 2024 9202501.01)
Peggy Eubanks - USS Star League - For her dedication to the Let ME Help philosophy of Star Trek by donating items to the Hurricane Helene Relief efforts to help those in need. (202503.05)