Wall of Honor 2010 Decade Awards
Celebrating 10 year mile makers of Region One Members and Chapters
We the Officers and staff of Region One like to recognize those chapters and individuals who have survived the ups and downs of this organization and who have served this organization for many years to help make it the great Region that it is.
To this end, we have created special awards that are awarded at the end of every decade (2000;2010;...etc).
These awards are as follows:
The Center Seat Award - Given to the Region One Commanding Officer who has occupied the position of Commanding Officer of the same chapter consecutively for ten or more years.
Admiral Linda Smith - USS Heimdal NCC- 1793 26 years
Commodore Jerry Conner - USS Yeager NCC-1893 23 years
Fleet Captain Joffre Fisher - USS Kitty Hawk NCC-1659 20 years
Major General Dennis Rayburn - Nikola Tesla 17 Years
Admiral Carolyn Donner - USS Jurassic NCC-3500 16 years
Rear Admiral Ben Redding - Bennu Station 15 years
Rear Admiral Warren Price - USS Providence NCC-71796 14 years
Longest Serving Commanding Officer - Awarded to the longest-serving Commanding Officer in the Region.
Admiral Linda Smith - USS Heimdal 26 years
Longest Serving Member - Awarded to the longest-serving active member in Region One.
Marlene Miller 33 years
Legendary Chapters of First Fleet - This award recognizes those chapters that have served in the Region for fifteen or more years and are being recognized as being Legends in the Region.
USS Alaric NCC-503 28 years
USS Jamestown NCC-1843 D 28 years
USS Lagrange NCC-3916 28 years
USS Heimdal NCC-1793 26 years
USS Yeager NCC-61893 24 years
USS Hornet NCC-1714 D 23 years
USS Maat NCC-1794 A 23 years
USS Richmond NCC-2003 23 years
USS Cheasepeake NCC-1887 22 years
USS Bonaventure NCC-102A 22 years
USS Columbus NCC-72401 21 years
USS Renegade NCC- 2547 21 years
USS Kitty Hawk NCC-1659 20 years
USS Star League NCC-2101 19 years
USS Charleston NCC-80114 18 years
USS Arizona NCC- 71839 17 years
Nikola Tesla SS005 16 years
USS Jurassic NCC-3500 16 years
Bennu Station SFR 119 16 years
USS Ronald E. McNair NCC-61809 16 years
USS Tycho NCC-59325 16 years
Longest Serving Chapter - Awarded to the longest-serving chapter in Region One.
USS Alaric NCC-503 28 years
USS Jamestown 28 years
USS Lagrange 28 years