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Starfleet R1 Phoenix Award

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Commander Dale Anderson - USS Alaric - Has served the Alaric and SFI above and beyond the call of duty for seven years. He has substituted for the R1 RDC Sciences at Summits. He has done all this while suffering persistant pain, for which he has spent time in and out of the VA Hospital over the course of many years. In 2001 he had to find new housing after a fire in his apartment. He was in New Orleans for specialized treatment for cancer during the summer of 2005. He had to cut his treatment a few days short in order to escape the city before Hurricane katrina struck. He managed to get to relatives in Mississippi, where the hurricane stranded him for at least two weeks. His recovery from cancer treatment has been slow but steady since then. 


Rear Admiral Greg Franklin - USS Reprisal - Greg was nominated for the Phoenix Award due to his ongoing battle with epilepsy. November 2004, Greg was working on an ambulance in Greene County, TN when his unit was struck from behind by a driver that was talking on a cell phone. The impact was so severe that the box on the ambulance was warped and totalled in the accident. Greg, after recovering from the initail shock, went to to help the other driver, knowing that he, himself had been severely injured. Greg was transported to the hospital and discharged that same evening. At home he developed nausea, and a severe headache. The next day while outback with his dogs suffered a seizure.  While being driven to the hospital he suffered another seizure.  Greg was diagnosed with a closed head injury with severe trauma to his brain, actually having a small hemorrhage in his grey matter. During the next several months he experienced many more seizures until his medication was properly regulated. During this time Greg was the R1 RC. He took only 2 weeks off before resuming his duties. He never let the region know just how seriously injured he really was. He nearly lost his life serving his fellow man. He lost part of his memory and was off from work for nearly nine months.


Carl Davis - USS Dominator - For his long standing service and dedication to SFI and Region One while facing various health issues and other obstacles, and his determination to rise above adversity and face it head on.  (2109.01.19)


Commodore John Winsley - USS Jamestown - Having fallen from a ladder while hanging Christmas lights, thereby  breaking his wrist in 15 places, as well  enduring the operation to set his wrist straight. (2009.01.19)

 Lieutenant Adam Cook - USS Endeavor - Being shot four times in both legs by a BB gun while sleeping.


 Fleet Captain Walter V. Ewing - USS Indiana - For his long standing service to Region One while dealing with disabilities such as dyslexia as well as dealing with diabetes as well as being a disabled veteran (200905.16)


 Ensign Diane Craighead - USS Bonaventure - Overcoming the obstacle of being afflicted with polio, which in no way hinders her. She has the will and determination to take on any task and not letting being confined to a wheelchair get in her way. (200904.09)


 James "Jamie" Delantonas - USS Hornet - Overcoming the obstacle of health issues and not letting it get in his way of being an

outstanding member of SFI Region One and the Hornet. 


 Gary Hollifield - USS Star Runner - For overcoming various health issues through the years.


 Joann Nickerson - USS Hornet - For not letting the amputation of her legs and other issues hinder her in any way.


Ben Redding - SS Bennu - For overcoming various health issues.


Antonio Huizar-Remaly - USS Peleliu - For not letting Muscular Dystrophy hinder him from being and active and produective member of SFI Region One and the USS Pelelieu. (211005.01)


 William James - USS Star League - Severe ulcerative colitis (201005.17)


 Linda Moore - USS Star League - Cancer


 Captain DJ Powers - USS Starleague - Circulation problems, neck and back problems (201005.17)


Marine Captain Steven McKean - USS Columbia - ongoing debilitating problems with feet and enduring side effects of Blood Pressure medication, severe dizziness, hearing loss. (201006.18)


LtCmdr Beverly Munib - USS Ronald E. McNair - ongoing health issues and diabetes.(201011.12)


Sgt Jack Warren - USS Dakota - suffering a heart attack and not even knowing it until he sought medical attention (201012.04)


Captain Jerry Holden - USS Star League - Congestive heart failure and diabetes (201101.31)


PO2 William James - USS Starleague - reverse colostomy(201101.31)


Rear Admiral John Sprouse - USS Appomattox - 11/21/10 Was dizzy, run down, feet ice cold. Went to emergency room. Tests were run, magnesium level dangerously low, and he was dehydrated. Satrted an IV with magnesium and to rehydrate him, during procedure he started getting hot, passed out. He was stabilized. Tests with his regular Dr revealed an arrhytmic heart beat. (201105.14)


Commodore Barbara Lariscy - USS Ronald E McNair - Suffering severe back pain due to several pinched nerves, two compressed vertebrae and two deteriorating vertebrae and misaligned sacrum and pelvis. (201205.19)


Captain DJ Powers - USS Ronald E McNair - Numerous health issues including diabetes, heart problems, sever spinal problems. She can not feel her feet most of the time and has great difficulty walking (2012205.19)


Commander Chitiaka Henry – In the hospital a few weeks ago for chest pain, right arm weakness, and trouble breathing. The pain started coming back as she was released from the hospital. (201205.19)


MGen Gary Hollifield Jr – Gary has been in and out of the ER experiencing fluctuating oxgen level and  the various health issues he had been dealing with as of late.  Dr  is thinking traveling blood clot, narrowed blood vessels, or both. Her migraines migraines, family history, and sleep apnea now being life-threatening level, make me at very high risk for heart attack or stroke.(201205.19)


Carl Irvin - USS Star League - Various health issues (201305.04)


Mike Edelson - USS Appomattox - Mike suffered a fall in his bathroom thereby shattering his right tibia and fibula which required surgery (201310.14)


Vicky Adkins - USS Hornet - Survived a serious car accident with minor injuries 2013.0203 (201310.14)


BGen Dennis Relyea - USS Alaric - throat cancer (201311.18)


Barry Jackson - USS Robert de Bruce - Degenerative arthritis resulting in hip replacement (201311.18)


Carol Dyl - USS Helen Pawlowski - Diabetes (201312.08)


Patricia Mogilka - USS Helen Pawlowski - Diabetes, heart failure (201312.08)


Kattie Staples - USS Helen Pawlowski - Diabetes  (201312.08)


James Nelson - USS Helen Pawlowski - mild mini stroke, kidney issues


 Linda Flythe - USS Star League - cancerous tumor was detected during mammogram. Lumpectomy was performed and radiation and hormone therapy was prescribed. All indications are that the surgery and other treatments have been successful (201405.17)

 William George Knowles - USS Star League - For bravely facing the challenges of being born with a severe heart condition and the ordeal involved to repair and overcome them. (201405.17)


Barbara Lariscy - USS Ronald E McNair - Suffered a fall two days after Thanksgiving. She broke her right elbow. hit head, shiner on left eye, sprained right wrist, bit lip an bruised right shoulder. Splint is off elbow, brace on wrist. (201412.-18)


DJ Powers - USS Ronald E McNair - Pneumonia, kidney issues (201412.18)


Colonel Tim Trivett - Unassigned - suffered a stroke (201508.24)


Captain Ricky Bruckman - USS Odin - fractured and bruised ribs with minor fractured clavicle due to being pined between a bannister and subject during a takedown


Colonel Tim Trivett - USS Potomac - December 2015 Tim underwent emergency surgery on his left lung. He was near death when rushed to the hospital. He spent three weeks in the hospital (201603.07)


FCaptain Jerry Holden - USS Star League -  During the past year our chapter's Klingon member Jerry Holden overcame a life

threatening event, requiring a Borg implant (pacemaker) to maintain the rhythm of his noble Klingon heart. (201605.14)


Allen Kemp - USS Black Elk - Back in December, Allen Kemp's heart stopped. He was then placed on a ventilator. Allen was in a coma for several weeks, before waking up. He is currently in Nashville, where he is being weaned off the ventilator. (201605.14)


Lt. Colonel T'Anna Harrington - USS Black Elk -  Involved in a serious car accident where the car rolled six times. She has also been diagnosed with colon cancer. She has persevered through with chemo and radiation (201605.14)


Mike Edelson - USS Appomattox - Various serious life threatening health issues (201605.14)


Commodore DJ Powers - USS Ronald E McNair - various health issues dealing with congestive heart and kidney problems. (201605.14)


TJ Allen - USS Robert de Bruce - Involved in a car accident March 2016. TJ suffered a misalignment of his spine from the top of his head all the way down. TJ ended up going to Dr. weekly for two months. Now has to go every other month. (201605.20)


Becki Kemp - USS White Elk - Involved in a car accident where car rolled 6 times. She broke t3 and t4 disks. (201605.14)


T'Anna Harrington - USS White Elk - colon cancer.  Involved in a car accident where car rolled 6 times. She suffered bumps and bruises.(201605.14)


Fleet Captain DJ Powers - various severe health issues that required hospitilization. (201703.18)


Carl Irvin - USS Star League - Commander Irvin has been diagnosed with diabetes. Even though he struggles with the symptoms that goes along with this condition, Carl is a very dedicated member of his ship, region and his fleet. He does not let his condition get him down. His fellow crewmates are very proud of him and his service (201705.04)


Lucille Skipper - USS Star League - Early in the year Lieutenant Commander Skipper underwent knee replacement surgery, while still recovering from this event an accident befell her, causing her to break the ankle on the same leg. The break was severe enough that additional surgery was required. (201705.04)


Pamela Michaud - USS Ronald E McNair - stage 2 peritoneal cancer


Lucille Skipper - USS Star League - Lucille had the misfortune of having to have knee repair surgery, necessitating a leave of absence from work, while recuperating she had the bad luck with a fall, once gain injuring the knee which was just repaired. This injury required additional surgeries to repair the knee to the best of their ability and Lucile has since had to medically retire from her job! (201805.19)


Ltjg Tamara Smith - USS Star League - Tamara (Tammy) has faced a medical issue during the past year, enduring a painful back surgery to repair an old injury. This lead to other complications such as impacts to her employment and finances. Like the Phoenix for which this award is named she is rising once again and taking on the challenge of returning to school to enable her to find a new job that meets her new limitations.(201805.19)


Commander Carl Irvin - USS Star League - Carl was recently diagnosed with the eye disease glaucoma! He has begun undergoing treatments to hopefully stop the progression of the disease.(201805.19)


Carolyn Donner - USS Jurassic - Various health issues which included cataract surgery. (201904.20)


Dawn Jenkins - USS Jurassic - Sept 2018, she had an adverse reaction to a drug she was given and ended up being in hospital for 14 days with kidneys issues.


John Savage - USS Indiana - John contracted COVID and was hospitalized in March 2020 and entered the ICU on a ventilator on or about 12 APR, where he remained until he recovered and was discharged on May 15 2020.  


Debbie Daubenspeck - USS Indiana -  While driving, Sept 8, 2019, she lost consciousness and slumped over the steering wheel. Passenger in the car steered the car, as best she could. After an undetermined amount of minutes Debbie regained consciousness and sat numbly, hands in her lap. Passenger yelled hit the brakes thereby causing Debbie to realize she was in the car, driving. Debbie pushed on the brake and pulled the car over to stop. Passenger took Debbie to the ER. (201909.19)


CRMN Tom Keating - USS Bonaventure - Without revealing too much, Tom has struggled with serious health issues for quite some time.  He wishes he could attend more than he is currently able to.  Given the number of hospitalizations, the CO and I think he deserves recognition for continuing to fight. (202002.20)


Nikol Maldnando - USS Serenity - suffering adverse personal issues (202012.26)


Kristen Pease - USS Serenity - suffering adverse personal issues (202012.26)


Scott Anderson - USS Reprisal -  Hospitalized with and currently recovering from Covid-19 (202102.20)


Scott Osborne - USS Thunder - Scott had surgery for possible cancer. It was not cancer, but coming out from under anesthesia, he had respiratory failure. He was in ICU 7 days, then another week and half in the hospital. Home health is still coming to his home to work with him. He is still on 24x7 continuous oxygen. (202101.20)


Captain Robert Chafin - USS Yorktown - RJ was in a terrible car accident, right after his son was crushed by a truck. He survived,but RJ helped him while having a concussion and his recovery is ongoing. (202101.03)


Admiral Mary Kane - USS Hornet - stroke


Harold Spears - USS Reprisal - brain surgery


Ronald "Jack" Gray - Unassigned - Jack was riding a bike and was struck head on by a vehicle (202302.09)


Ken Crouch - USS Jurassic - He has started to lose his vision due to neuropathy from Diabetes. In fact, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to read or use his computer  (02-20-2023) 


Stephen Richards - USS Mountaineer -Leukemia (02-20-2023)


Calvin Wood - USS Jurassic - surviving an aortic explosion. (02-20-2023)


FCAPT Nancy Hall - USS Jurassic - breast cancer (202304.22)


Mike Wilson - USS Excelsior - stroke (202307.17)


Victor Swindell - USS Ronald E McNair -various cardio issues (202406.27)


David Palmer - USS Star League - 202501.31)

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