Starfleet R1 DSA Recipients

Lt. JG Michael Romero -USS JAMESTOWN -(Previous Award) For showing enthusiasm and dedication to the chapter and the Security department. For putting together the USS Jamestown's Security Journal and for receiving the chapter's first "Security Department Certificate of Achievement." (May 1997)
CMDR Mary Ann Winsley- USS JAMESTOWN -(Previous Award) For her outstanding hard work to help bring the STAR TREK Federation Science Exhibits to the Virginia Air & Space Museum and for making it a great success for the center. (July 1996)
Captain Roy Seslar -USS POWHATAN -For meritorious command - USS POWHATAN, Overseas Coupon Project donations; assistance to STARFLEET Computer Ops; assistance with STARFLEET participation - FARM FRESH EXTRAVAGANZA to benefit local children's hospital; willingness to help in any way possible; work in STARFLEET that has many times been above and beyond the call of duty.
Fleet Captain Victor Swindell - USS Charleston-Action - For his meritorious and constant dedication and hard work in helping create and build the STARFLEET Region 01 Awards program. I could not have not gotten this off the ground without his help –Steve Thomas. Victor also has an impressive service records spanning over 15 years of service.
Admiral Linda Smith - USS HEIMDAL- For her ten years of superior leadership as RC of Region 01 (and putting up with all of us)
Lt. JG Donna M. Mominee–USS Tycho - You have demonstrated overall dedication and involvement to STARFLEET Region One and your chapter. Your numerous accomplishments have made you an asset to the Region.
Fleet Captain David James-USS CAROLINA- has unselfishly dedicated his time and energy to his chapter, sector region and first fleet.
FCapt Carl Lewis– USS Dominator– for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2000.
FCapt. Eric W. Larkin– USS Reprisal - for excellence and dedication and superior leadership service to STARFLEET Region One in 2000.
FCapt Mike E. Walter Sr – USS Columbus or excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2000.
Commodore Roger Scritchfield – USS Ohio- For the incredible assistance and hard work that he rendered to the USS Jurassic during their Amateur Radio Field Day for the last three years and helping to make the event a great success
Captain Melissa Larkin –USS Reprisal - For Inspiration, Service and Dedication to STARFLEET Region One and the crew of the USS Reprisal has not gone unnoticed. You have hosted many chapter meetings and hosted three Sectional/Regional functions. The “Larkin Bed & Breakfast has become well know to many Region One Members.
Admiral Carolyn Donner - USS JURASSIC- For her four years of superior leadership, love, laughter, and dedication as RC of Region 01
Col. John Kane – USS Reprisal- Col Kane is an inspiration to his crewmates and Region One. This Officer is always up to the challenge and has an everlasting for STARFLEET REGION ONE. He has created several web sites for different units of the region. He is involved in almost every Reprisal function even though he has to drive 4 hours to make it. He has be instrumental in the Reprisal's charity causes participating in many charities such as a coat drive, Mailing care packages for needy children overseas, Operation Eagle, OCP, walk for Breast Cancer, and many more. He has assisted with the R1 Summits and the IC as well. He represents what is best in STARFLEET. His continual enthusiasm, hard work and diligence towards his duty and service is reflected in his character, manner and actions.
Admiral Anita Davis– USS Renegade - For the over 13 years of love, dedication and excellence she has given to Region One and the Command of the USS Renegade.
Captain Julie James- USS Francis Marion - has consistently and continually supported her chapter and region by performing her duties and tasks above and beyond the call of duty. Over the last three years she has made a major impact with her work. She has helped support and encourage the charitable/community service projects of the USS Carolina NCC-74222 in cooperation with the Muscular Dystrophy Association in Greenville, South Carolina. Additionally she has helped support the STARFLEET Overseas Coupon Project as well. In January 2002 Captain James became Executive Officer of the Shuttle Francis Marion. Launching a shuttle and preparing to commission as a starship is never an easy task. Captain James has consistently and continually worked with the Commanding Officer and the crew to make this possible. She has been a driving force behind the Francis Marion and her contributions have directly aided us in our commissioning. She is leading the way once again helping to plan Community/Charitable Service Events with the Francis Marion.
FCapt Greg Franklin – USS Reprisal- FCapt Greg Franklin has served the Reprisal as the Chief Ops officer for the past year, and he has been an asset to the chapter, region, and fleet. He attend almost all chapter meetings and has been involved in all chapter functions. He served and work on the 2002-2003 R-1 Summit committee and helped with various events. He has been extremely active in other regional, sectional and community service projects events as well, including the Reprisal Mountain Rally, R-1 Autumn Bash, which was a Regional event. Aboard his chapter he was involved with the following Reprisal’s 6 Annual Awards Banquet, the “Nemesis” recruiting drive, the Toys-for-Tots, Operation Christmas Child, and the Reprisal’s food bank. He also is very involved in CPR with the American Heart Association, and the American Red Cross, having trained over 100 persons in this skill. For these efforts the AHA chose him to be a representative to their national convention in New Orleans, LA. He is also very active in environmental issues including: The Defenders of Wildlife, The Arbor Day Foundation, and the Adopt A Highway projects. FCapt Greg Franklin is a very active member of the crew, and is an asset to the region.
Commander Jeffery A Davis-USS Questar- Commander Davis has served as a tremendous asset to the R1 RDC Engineering program. Through his efforts efforts there have been improvements in communications and the EROR 1/A Project. In addition to this
Commander Davis serves as an exemplary Officer aboard the USS Questar where is responsible for many projects.
Commodore Ben Redding -Bennu Station- Ben has worked on the committee for the Region One Summit for 8 of its 9 years. He has been responsible for getting Hundreds of Dollars worth of items donated to the Region One Auction. He has acted as Master of Ceremonies for at least a half dozen of the Regional Summits. During this time Ben has also suffered a heart attach and had to undergo bypass surgery, this didn't even slow him down much. He has been instrumental in making it possible for Region One Summit to raise a great deal of money for various charities including the Region One Awards Program, STARFLEET Scholarship Fund, Space Camp and East Tennessee Children's Hospital.
RADM Eric W Larkin - USS Reprisal - served as an Assistant Security Chief for the 2003 R-1 Summit. He spent several weeks recruiting members for the team, preparing a roster, and then making arrangements for those who could make the summit, or had scheduling conflicts. He was on duty for the entire duration of the summit, and was there every time a need arose. He worked with constant diligence for the team, and was instrumental in keeping it together. Due to his leadership the 2003 R-1 Summit fielded the best team that has ever served in this capacity.
Captain Lauren Milan - USS Archer - on behalf of her service to STARFLEET Region One to it's Awards Department. A few years ago when the Awards Department was working on the update of the Awards Manual, Lauren picked up the ball dropped by the director of the STARFLEET Department of Graphic Design, and spent countless hours redesigning all the Award logos used by the Program for the Manual and for the Award Certificate. Lauren also served as the chief architect of the New Region One awards site when once again she volunteered countless hours working on the refit and redesign of the Awards site. I personally feel that officer's of her caliber are a major asset to STARFLEET, and she her dedication to duty and willingness to help have been a bless and benefit to STARFLEET Region One.
Comm John Sprouse, Lt. JG Alan Provo, Comm Margaret Grumwell, LT JG Chris Johnson - USS Appomattox - When two members lost their home in Houston this team drove for 22 hours in shifts to pack them up and bring them home. The last leg of the trip was through an ice storm. All to try and keep two people that none of them had ever met in person from becoming homeless not to mention their cat. They had to do the packing and such too as both crewmembers are handicapped. This "emergency beam out" was was a really heroic effort. In addition they contacted Soc Services in TX and VA in an effort to find them a place to live, one member allowed the transients to live with him until the situation was resolved.
Admiral Carolyn Donner– USS Jurassic– for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2003.
Commodore Greg Franklin - USS Reprisal– for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2003.
Rear Admiral Robin Pillow USS Pathfinder- for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2003
Commodore John Winsley USS Jamestown- for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2003
Captain Thomas Heffner USS Gallifrey- for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2003.
Admiral Carolyn Donner– USS Jurassic– for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2004
Fleet Captain Barbara Buffington– USS Ohio– for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2004.
Fleet Captain Thomas Bert Hefner– USS Gallifrey– for excellence and dedication and superior leadership and for service to STARFLEET Region One in 2005.
RADM Mary Kane– USS Hornet– for excellence and performance of duty as the R1 Treasurer for invaluable assistance at the Region One Summits for many years.
Brian Chapelle - USS Maelstrom - For outstanding service to STARFLEET Region One for his efforts and endeavors related to the SFI R1 Space Camp Program.
Commander Denise Wolff - USS Charleston - Denise has been a faithful member of the crew, participating in all planned activities. She is a strong supporter of STARFLEET and an active member of the crew. We are fortunate to have someone so dedicated to STARFLEET on our roster. (200903.24)
Commodore Cynthia Walters - USS Asgard - For her years of service as CO of the USS Asgard and her service as Region One Indiana/Ohio Sector rep then Senior Captain. (200904.06
Captain Jerry Ward - USS Ronald E. McNair - 15 years of dedicated service to the McNair, SFI and Region One. For his past service as Commanding Officer of the McNair. (210904.13)
Commander Rhett Coates Rhett - USS Endeavor NCC- 72709 - has on numorous occasions have gone above and beyond his duties as the Operations Officer. He has donated not only his time, but has donated his personal Trek memorbilla to the U.S.S. Endeavor to raise money for it's first year of service. (200910.16)
Captain Kathy Van Arsdale - USS Endeavor NCC- 72709 - Kathy has on numorous occasions have gone above and beyond her duties as the Third Officer/Science Officer. She has donated not only her time, but has donated her personal office supplies to the U.S.S. Endeavor for it's first year of service.
Commander Bryant Harris - USS Endeavor NCC- 72709 - Bryant has on numerous occasions have gone above and beyond his duties as the Second Officer. He has donated not only his time, but has picked up the bill for most of the operating expenditures of the U.S.S. Endeavor for it's first year of service.(210910.16)
Ensign Maggie Panther - USS Alaric NCC-503 - For her contagious enthusiasm for the Alaric and Region One manifested in her willingness to volunteer to create, manage, and host the Alaric's Facebook page. Through her valuable efforts, the Alaric has entered the electronic recruiting and communication age. (201005.01)
Ltjg Kevin Creamer - USS Alaric NCC-503 - For going above and beyond the call of duty in support of the USS Alaric. His willingness to host meetings at his home, organize game days at his home and invite the USS Alaric to hold meetings during those days, present interesting educational programs at Alaric events, establish contacts at local restaurants for Alaric meetings, run recruiting at local theaters during the new Star Trek movie, and conduct the Alaric fund raising auction. (201005.01)
Ensign Lynnea Stadelmann - USS Alaric NCC-503 - For her contagious enthusiasm for the USS Alaric and Region One is manifested in her willingness to volunteer to host and organize Alaric movie nights and the annual Christmas party and to help run the Alaric's fund raising auction. (201005.01)
Ltjg Steven Chapell - USS Cumberland NCC-74669 - As a new chapter we have quickly put together not only a website but a bi-monthly newsletter. Steven has done and outstanding job publishing our newsletter sending it out to our members but also creating an archive online. Despite the fact he has recently had knee surgery he published the newsletter on time. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty in helping to make our newsletter available to current members and to help with recruiting. (211005.01)
Commodore Susan Mahaffey - Her service to R1 as RDC Medical 2003-2006 (201105.14)
Charles "Chuck" Rayburn - USS Appomattox - Chuck has attended all our meetings. Even when the job market was at a lull he still participated in the fund raisers at the Lynchburg Community Market on Apr. 3, 2010 and Oct. 30, 2010. He is the webmaster of the ship's website -www.ussappomattox.com. Was with the ships' away team was to the USS Jamestown's Casino night Sept.24, 2010 to help raise money for their charities. On Labor Day he helped monitor inflatibles at the Muscular Dystrophy Associations' Carnival Sept. 5, 2010.(201105.14)
Rear Admiral John Sprouse - USS Appomattox - John has attended all the meetings and has consistently passed the vote of confidence held yearly. This year health issues threatened to keep him down but he still was at our meetings. He took part of two fund raisers and has transported fellow members to these events and meetings. On Apr. 3 and Oct. 30, 2010 two fund raisers were held at the Lynchburg Community Market of which he attended. On May 8, 2010 along with four other members he was present at our first Cystic Fibrosis Strides for Life and helped monitor the inflatibles for the annual Muscular Dystrophy Associations' Carnival on Labor Day - Sept. 5, 2010. He joined a quick away team trip to visit the USS Jamestown for their annual Casino night fund raiser on Sept. 24th. The next day the away team attended the USS Endeavor's meeting. He has kept up to date with the ships MSRs and is in contact with our former shuttle.For the Region, John was the Sector Commander for the VA/WV Sector into 2010. He was voted for in 2010 by the chapters of Region One and is now a member of the Chapter Care Committee and has been working with the USS Drakonia in their efforts to either connect up with a chapter in VA or help them recruit members for their chapter. He monthly sends out MSR reminders to the chapters of VA/WV in which the RC is included.(211105.14
Commodore Meg Roach - USS Appomattox -Meg has served this chapter above and beyond her department. She has helped decorate the library where we meet for our meetings and supplied treats for table decorations. She is unfailing in her reports to her Regional Department Chief. Even when sick, she checks in so as not to miss anything important. She has attended our two fund raisers held at the Lynchburg Farmer's Market; the Cystic Fibrosis Strides for Life May 8th, and helped to monitor the inflatables for the Muscular Dystrophy AssociationsCarnival on Labor Day. When needed she has also provided transportation for fellow members to attend meetings.Even though it is not time yet to renew the CPR training taught to the members of the USS Appomattox, Meg has kept up with the newest updates on CPR and has passed on what she has learned. Even though her work and health have come into play at inconvenient times, her reporting to her RDC in the medical department have been in a timely manner.(201105.14)
Fleet Captain Gary Davis - USS Maquis - Gary has been to Region conferences, summits and IC’s over the years he has been a member. As my XO, he is invaluable in the smooth operation of the USS Maquis and brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience to not only the chapter but to the region and fleet. He is also very active in Maquis Forces International .Participation wise, he is very active in the chapter and has help me in planning on line meetings. He also is very recruiting and newsletter orientated. Very community service orientated he is working with our charities officer on new venues to assist. He also is on Team Summit. (201105.14)
Commander Aaron Himes -USS Maquis - As the Maquis’s communications/ops/3rd officer, he is invaluable in the smooth operation of the USS Maquis and brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience to not only the chapter but to the region and fleet. He was an original member of the White Horse Chapter in NC, however when he came back the chapter was gone. Participation wise, he is very active and helps tremendously with recruiting and publishing the newsletter orientated. He is interest also in having the chapter participate in more charity work. There is not a single task or planning session he misses. Aaron is a fireball who lives the officer’s code.As his CO, I wish we had more members like Aaron, not only on my crew but also in the entire organization. His enthusiasm and willingness to help make the USS Maquis number one in the fleet is refreshing. I am very happy to have him onboard.(201105.14)
Ltjg Kevin Creamer - USS Alaric - LLT.JG Kevin Creamer has gone above and beyond the call of duty in support of the USS Alaric and Region One principles and goals. His willingness to host USS Alaric meetings at his home, organize gaming and recreational activities, present interesting educational programs at Alaric events, establish contacts at local restaurants and gaming businesses for Alaric meetings, run recruiting at local venues, and conduct the Alaric fund-raising auction for the ship constitute commendable service to the Alaric, Region One, and STARFLEET. His enthusiasm for the ship, for 'Fleet, and for Star Trek are boundless and a valuable asset to the organization. Kevin has been instrumental in many of the Alaric's 2010 activities, including organizing and running: hiking, archery, golfing, and tennis away missions; Hendersonville Airport hangar tour and discussion of engine, cockpit, and other components of a Cessna 152 II; Smiley's Flea Market recruiting event; several movie nights and game days; and Apollo/Saturn V rocket educational (201105.14)
Michelle De Loach - USS Star League - Assisting with food drives. Providing PDAs of public events to the crew. Advertising on community calendars and the internet. (201305.04)
Carnell Eubanks - USS Star League - For his invaluable service to the Star League as their archivist and CompOps dept chief. For his service to SFI R1 as RDC CompOps (201305.04)
Vice Admiral Michael Wilson - 20 years service as Commanding Officer of the USS Aries (201310.10)
Vice Admiral Kenny Proehl - USS Heimdal - Executive Officer, coordinating the recruiting table with the USS Appomattox and Heimdal at the opening of Star Trek: Into Darkness.
FCaptain Jana Sandarg - USS Star League - Executive officer, bridging the gap between the outgoing and incoming COs. Organized numerous charitable and fun activities. Helped out with cookout and auction at 2013 R1 summit.
FCaptain Peggy Eubanks - USS Star League - attends food drives and furnishes Star League with flyers for recruitment. Issues crew members badges that they wear in public. Contributes, edits and submits monthly newsletter to the crew
FCaptain Jerry Holden - USS Star League - His willingness to work public events as a Klingon in full armor and head piece had brought attention to our charity events such as food drives at local theater, annual gift wrap event and numerous recruiting drives.
Ensign Aaron Knowles - USS Star League - Carried one of the chapter's banners at Dragoncon, appearing in costume for food drives and other charitable and recruitment events
FCaptain Tony Lopes - USS Odin -For his dedicated service to STARFLEET Region one as Commanding Officer of the USS Odin NCC-1875 (201306.23)
Captain Samuel Scott Osborne - USS Drakonia - For his superior leadership, his effective delegation of responsibilities, his encouragement of his crew to develop skills and abilities, his usage of Starfleet Academy by all crewmen, his rewarding of accomplishments, and his time and attention to details and improvements. Under the command of Captain Osborne the USS DRakonia has gone from near-decommissioning to fully restored chapter of two dozen SFI members. It will remain a permanent and productive part of both SFI and Region One (201401.16)
F Captain Samuel Osborne - USS Drakonia - Samuel "Scott" Osborne has been a tremendous help to Region One and to other Starfleet members in it. He has recruited people, helped them get promotions, and encouraged them to become officers by passing the OTS and OCC exams. Scott has continuously provided timely and useful information to others, and always offered wise counsel to overcome problems and difficulties. He has led by example, and moderated a few conflicts due to egos and misunderstandings. Scott is a leader who makes Starfleet grow and improve. He continues to be a mature role model as what is best in a Starfleet officer. is Drakonia chapter runs very well, and his working with others in Region One continues to be a positive influence on everyone and everything. (201412.18)
Fleet Capt Jana Sandarg - USS Star League - served the U.S.S. Star League and Region One with distinction. She serves as our Executive Officer and has bridged the gap between the outgoing and incoming Commanding Officers, her efforts have been invaluable to our chapter. She has represented and helped to organize numerous charitable and fun activities. At our regional summit she helped with the cookout and auction. She has also brought attention to Starfleet as a whole carrying one of chapters banners in the Dragon Con parade and also represented our organization in the attempt to break the Guinness Book Of World Records attempt for most Star trek costume in one location. (201401.16)
Dennis Relyea - USS Alaric - For his tireless service and dedication to STARFLEET Region One. For his service as Region One Ass’t RDC Sciences. For being our beloved and favorite Ferengi Quirk (201405.17).
Ensign Aaron Knowles - USS Star League - Ensign Aaron Knowles has represented his chapter, Region and Starfleet International with distinction. He has participated in numerous activities such as carrying of chapter’s banners in the DragonCon parade, appearing in costume for our food drives and other charitable and recruitment events he also represented our chapter and the fleet by throwing out the fist pitch at a local minor league baseball game during a Star Trek day Celebration.(201405.17)
T'Anna Harrington - USS Black Elk - Her service in 2015 as CO of the Black Elk (201605.14)
Steve Harper - USS Columbus - For his long years of service to the USS Columbus and STARFLEET Region One. Giving of his time to his community through his volunteer efforts (201512.31)
John Hoppa - USS Renegade - For his service to STARFLEET Region one as Commanding Officer of the USS Renegade for the year 2015. Said service demonstrating exceptionally meritorious service to STARFLEET Region One Clearly above and beyond the call of Duty (201605.14)
Admiral Carolyn Donner - USS Jurassic -20 years of service as CO of the Jurassic. (201605.14)
KC Finch - USS Robins - For all his hard work and dedication as CO of the USS Robins. KC helped rewrite the Robins handbook, he started Charity for Miles the chapter’s members participate in. KC cares about far away crew members as well as local members by asking members to pick a member out of town to send a Christmas gift to. He holds the chapter meetings in his home. He helps with recruiting and plans activities like trip to Savannah, movies and games and Dungeon and Dragons every Friday night at his house (201611.22)
PO3 Allen Mooney - USS Star League - The U.S.S. Star League would like to recognize petty officer third class Allen Mooney for his assistance on the Trimble project. This fleet level project in which questions from Starfleet members were presented to John and Bjo Trimble to make a video record of the history of the Trimble’s and their relationship to Star Trek. Petty officer Mooney journeyed to Atlanta Georgia and while in attendance at a Star Trek convention took time out of his schedule to act as the interviewer on this project. (201705.04)
Lt Bob Sandarg - USS Star League - Lieut. Bob Sandarg has been an active participant throughout the year of 2016. The chapter would like to note his work on two special projects in particular. Lieut. Sandarg devoted several hours helping us to complete our video entries for the region one Summit. His spoof of a Star Trek era cleaning commercial Mr. Klingoff and as one of our ill-fated redshirts in Redshirt Rebellion should be recognized. These videos would not have been the same without his acting abilities. (20170504)
PO3 Carnell Renew - USS Star League - In order to recognize his efforts on behalf of Starfleet, Region One and The U.S.S Star League in the construction of a replica of the Starship Enterprise. Numerous hours were devoted to the design, layout and assembly of this replica which is comprised of plywood foam sheeting PVC pipe as well as other materials. This replica has been incorporated into a parade float/Christmas float and used in multiple events representing Starfleet, Region One and the USS Star League. To date this float has been used in four events, Sassafras Festival Parade, Golden Harvest Food Bank Food Drive and recruiting event, Columbia County Merchants Christmas parade and the U.S.S. Star League’s celebration of 25 years as a ship and Star Trek’s 50th anniversary! This eight foot replica of the Enterprise will also have many uses in the future such as conventions and other activities. (201705.04)
Carolyn Irvin - USS Star League - Ambassador Irvin’s efforts helping in planning, facilitation and execution of the following events. As part of a team of other U.S.S. Star League members she helped to facilitate a luncheon and a chocolate party for the region one Summit. She also helped to plan and helped to facilitate our 25th anniversary party, including securing a location. (201705.04)
PO3 Jeanne Renew - USS Star League - In order to recognize her efforts on behalf of Starfleet, Region One and The U.S.S Star League in the construction of a replica of the Starship Enterprise. Numerous hours were devoted to the design, layout and assembly of this replica which is comprised of plywood foam sheeting PVC pipe as well as other materials. This replica has been incorporated into a parade float/Christmas float and used in multiple events representing Starfleet, Region One and the USS Star League. To date this float has been used in four events, Sassafras Festival Parade, Golden Harvest Food Bank Food Drive and recruiting event, Columbia County Merchants Christmas parade and the U.S.S. Star League’s celebration of 25 years as a ship and Star Trek’s 50th anniversary! This eight foot replica of the Enterprise will also have many uses in the future such as conventions and other activities.(201705.04)
Commodore Janice Graham - USS Renegade - Commodore Janice Graham had preformed her duty as first officer aboard the USS Renegade with distinction by filing my MSR Reports on time every month for several years now and doing her duty with pride.. As RDC of Star Crafters she gave a panel at the R1 Summit last May and provided Trivia questions for the IC. She also worked on the Senior Follies in Hermatige,PA to help keep the Senior Center open. Aboard the ship she helps us raise money for our Charity, The second Harvest Food Bank, and collect Coupons for the Over Seas Coupon Program. He also is involved with a book club that reads Star Trek novels at the Stey Nevant Library in Farrall, Pa. She is constantly promoting Starfleet and its benefits of joining and has recruited several members (201705.04
Admiral Jason Schreck - USS Columbia - Jason has far exceeded what I knew he would do for the Region One Space Camp. He has set up a facebook page not only to promote the program but to educate all who see his posts. He has challenged us all to make the program work. He has made several suggestions to improve the program and to raise funds to send a region child to camp. Jason has assisted me in sending out notices to the regions commanding officers informing them of the program, how to nominate a child and other information. (201705.04)
Peggy Eubanks - USS Star League - Peggy Eubanks is a valuable member of our crew. She is the Department Chief of our Communications / Computer ops. Department. Peggy edits and formats our monthly newsletter, Hailing Frequencies, sends out public service announcements for our public events, sends out reminders of upcoming events to the crew, and sends out birthday announcements to the crew. Peggy also does a lot of behind the scenes to help the ship, helping the CO prepare for briefings, helping gather materials for the food drives and recruitment events, etc. (201705.04)
Ltjg Tammy Smith - USS Star League - : Lieutenant Junior Grade Tammy Smith has performed above and beyond the call of duty this year! With the exception of the very few events, Lieut. Smith has been present at nearly every U.S.S. Star League activity. Regardless of whether or what she has going on in her personal life, if she is needed, she is there. She has helped construct a float celebrate our chapters 25th in Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, assisted with committees, fun events, food drives and special projects such as our video (Redshirt Rebellion). She braved winter weather to see that we fulfilled our commitment to Columbia County annual Christmas parade. While still mourning the loss of her father earlier in the week Lieut. Smith showed her devotion to her Starfleet family by not only attending our chapters “Star Trek Beyond” recruitment drive but helping us with the set up and greeting of patrons! I can think of few other members as dedicated as Lieut. Smith.(201705.04
Commander - Clara Trout -USS Gorkon - For her service, hard work and dedication as CO of the Gorkon in 2016. (201705.04)
Bryan Detamore - USS Gorkon -For his hard work in trying to plan and implement Region One summit 2018 (201705.04)
Admiral Linda Smith - USS Heimdal - For all her hard work and dedication as CO of the USS Heimdal in 2016 (201705.04)
Vice Admiral Kenny Proehl - USS Heimdal - For all his hard work and dedication as Executive Officer of the USS Heimdal in 2016
Rear Admiral Barbara Lariscy - USS Ronald E McNair - In recognition of her assistance at the 2018 Region One Summit registration
table assisting members with registration packets and badges. (201809.06)
Rear Admiral Susan Mahaffey - USS Ronald E McNair - Susan served as a member of the 2018 Region One summit planning committee, as well helped to design and execute the summit scavenger photo hunt. She also worked numerous hours at the registration table assisting guests with badges, T-shirts and ducks for the duck race. (201809.06)
Commodore Stephen Stott - USS Ronald E McNair - In recognition of the many hours he spent offering his input as a member of the 2018 Region One Summit planning committee. He also hosted different events at this year’s summit including a panel on Star Trek Discovery and hosting multiple sessions of Star Trek Attack Wing Game.
Admiral Linda Smith - USS Heimdal - Linda was a valuable member 2018 Region One team summit. During the planning stages, her experience with past summits helped this run smoothly. She was there to help in any way needed at the summit where she helped at the registration table to greet the attendees and to lend assistance in any way she could.(201809.06)
Rear Admiral -Greg Franklin - USS Reprisal - Greg served as a member of the 2018 Region One summit committee, he provided input and suggestions as apart of the committee, at the summit itself he filled two much need roles providing security and medical support at the summit.(201809.06)
SCPO Tara Fraley - USS Reprisal - In recognition of Tara’s efforts in assuring we had a worry-free 2018 Region One Summit by assisting us with several hours medical duty at this year’s summit (201809.06)
Scott Anderson - USS Reprisal - In recognition Scott’s efforts in assuring we had a worry-free 2018 summit by assisting us with several hours security duty at this year’s summit (201809.06)
Rear Admiral Brian Griffin - USS Reprisal - The staff of the 2018 Region One Summit would like to recognize Brian’s efforts in assuring we had a worry free summit by assisting us with several hours of both security and medical duty. (201809.06)
Rear Admiral Charlie Hess - USS Reprisal - Charlie worked as a member of the team summit planning committee for several months he provided input and suggestions helping to make the 2018 R1 Summit a very successful event. (201809.06)
CDT 3 C Valerie Bazemore - USS Indiana - In recognition for her assistance and contributions as a member of Summit 2018 Team. For her assistance in baking the cookies and hard tack for gift boxes, retrieval of ducks from the pool for two duck races and her encouragement to others to participate in events such as the officers challenge dance off and helping at the charity auction. (201809.06)
MGN TJ Allen - Robert de Bruce - TJ served as Vice Chair for Region One 2018 summit. He assisted with the summit planning committee, helped to provide security for the event and was a main player in the opening ceremonies skit (201809.06)
Commander Carl Irvin - USS Star League - The Region One Summit 2018 would like to recognize Carl Irvin for his assistance and contributions to the Summit 2018 Team. Carl helped in setting up decorations, Quarks Bar, and photography light setup & take down. Assisted with Pizza lunch and clean up after each event (201809.06)
Carolyn Irvin - USS Star League - The Region One Summit 2018 would like to recognize Carolyn Irvin for her assistance and contributions to the Summit 2018 Team. Helping in transporting and setup of party decorations and with the Pizza lunch. (201809.06)
Admiral Ruth Lane - USS Liberator - For her twelve years of hard work, dedication and service as Regional Coordinator of STARFLEET Region One (202006.04)
Rear Admiral Scott Gibson - USS Charon - For ten years of hard work, dedication and service as VRC Programs Operations of STARFLEET Region One. (202006.04)
Admiral Darlene Harper - USS Columbus - For ten years of hard work, dedication and service as SVRC of STARFLEET Region One. (202006.04)
Commodore Lowell Whitaker - USS Columbia - Commodore Lowell Whitaker has done nothing but give his heart and soul to SFI and to the Columbia. Over the years he has excelled in Public Relations. He has established a connection to our local baseball group in Lexington for a Sif-Fi night with the Legends. He also without fail writes to our Naval namesake the Columbia. He ensures that they hear from us every few months. He lets the crew know of our promotions and local affairs. The Commodore is the head of our RPG. He posts everyday keeping the crew talking. He is a big part of SFI and the Columbia. As of last year he stepped down as the Columbia's PR officer and has passed the torch to another crew member. He has done so much for our crew and R1
Rear Admiral Charlie Hess - USS Reprisal - Rear Admiral Charlie Hess is an extremely valuable member of the Reprisal. He is the Second Officer serving on the command staff. In this position his insight and opinion are highly regarded. He has helped the crewman times and remains an open line of communication for them. He values their opinion and has brought it to the attention of the other command staff members. He is active on the regional social media sites and has served on Summit staffs in the past. He has attended 90% of our functions and can be relied upon to help with the food. He is steadfast and loyal (202102.17)
Commodore Lowell Whitaker - USS Columbia - Commodore Lowell Whitaker has done nothing but give his heart and soul to SFI and to the Columbia. Over the years he has excelled in Public Relations. He has established a connection to our local baseball group in Lexington for a Sif-Fi night with the Legends. He also without fail writes to our Naval namesake the Columbia. He ensures that they hear from us every few months. He lets the crew know of our promotions and local affairs. The Commodore is the head of our RPG. He posts everyday keeping the crew talking. He is a big part of SFI and the Columbia. He has taught me how to recruit and makes sure to remind me of the importance of communication. He has step down as of last year as our PR officer and has passed the torch to another crew member. He has done so much for our crew and R1. He is the most deserving member of my crew for this award. He is what STARFLEET is all about. (202005.13)
LtCol John Brice Jr - USS Serenity - For his hard work, dedication and service as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Serenity in 2020. (202103.20)
Jonathan Darnell - USS Serenity - For his hard work, dedication and service as Commanding Officer of the USS Serenity in 2020 (202103.20)
Kimberly Donohoe - USS Yorktown - For her hard work, dedication and service as Commanding Officer of the USS Yorktown in 2020. 202103.20)
Thomas Donohoe - USS Yorktown - For his hard work, dedication and service as Executive Officer of the USS Yorktown in 2020. (202103.20)
Tara Fraley - USS Reprisal - For her service and dedication as Bridge Command Specialist of the USS Reprisal in 2020. (202103.20)
Melissa Larkin - USS Reprisal - For her service and dedication as Counselor of the USS Reprisal in 2020 (202103.20)
Wade Larkin - USS Reprisal - For his service and dedication as Executive Officer of the USS Reprisal in 2020 (202103.20)
Darryl Millner - USS Heimdal - For his hard work, dedication and service as Chief of Engineering of the USS Heimdal in 2020. (202103.20)
Linda Smith - USS Heimdal - For her hard work, dedication and service as Commanding Officer of the USS Heimdal in 2020. (202103.20)
Lowell Whitaker - USS Columbia - For his hard work, dedication and service as Liaison Officer of the USS Columbia 2020. (202103.20)
Douglas Anthony Douglas - SS Bennu - With all that Anthony does, the chapter would be MUCH less than it is now. He is always helping as well as spearheading a lot of the projects we do. He was instrumental in getting our Mission of Hope project going this year but helped on the food bank drive, and delivered the food as well as helping with the funds drive for Children's Hospital. (202102.17)
Fred Parsons - SS Bennu - Fred has been XO for so many years, he is the right hand man and he is our walking talking rules robot, when we need to know it he has it. Also, every project we have he is right in the middle of it, helping even funding it if necessary to save us up front money. He was and is instrumental in building our ship standards, helping with our bylaws etc. He leads by example, he would not ask any crew member to do what he would not do. (202102.17)
Colonel Jason Garrett - USS Aequitas - Colonel Garrett stepped into a role that he honestly wasn't expecting to fill. The death of a member of SFI is already hard on friends and crew, but to rise to the moment and take over the process of commissioning a ship while going through it all is a true test of character and strength. I don't know what award would honestly convey the level of respect I have for Colonel Garrett, while still managing to posts regular with his crew, submit his reports in a timely manner and above all just be an outstanding member of this region. (202201.17)
Naomi Durrall - USS Aries - For her services for many years onboard the Aries as Communications officer and for her role as assistant DJ at the R1 summit earlier this year (202203.12)
Melinda Coates - USS Columbus - Melinda has been a driving force in the fandom community around the Columbus area for many many years (and hopefully will continue to be so). She takes on any task with an extreme amount of gusto and does so without the desire to be recognized. But what gets me the most and the reason for this recommendation is her willingness to open her home to any member of the Fleet or fandom in general over the holidays so that no one in our sci-fi community has to sit at home alone during these festive times. (202302.23)