Region One Final Frontier Award

LT JG Joe Lamantia, CSO of the USS Jurassic - For disseminating science news from the internet to crew members
and interested members. Writes regular Science dept. articles for ship's newsletter.
FCAPT Victor Swindell - USS Charleston - While serving as CSO he ran the most active dept. and published a monthly newsletter that promoted Science facts. He also initiated field trips and regular dept. meetings that invovled discussing Trek Science.
Captain Gregory Sheets - USS Columbia - For initiating a USS Columbia "NASA Space Camp Scholarship", to send a deserving Wayne county Ohio youth to visit Space Camp.
Lt Cmdr Barbara Slater - USS Charleston - While serving as CSO, she has consistently and persistently published articles in the chapter's newsletter dealing with astronomy and space exploration. She has held two astronomy nights at the local pier to do stargazing and educate the crew and passers by on just what the objects in the night sky are.
Commodore Wade A. Larkin - USS Revelation - his ongoing love for space is demonstrated by his many articles in his chapter's newsletter concerning the further exploration of space. He also sponsored a planetarium show for the last three years at the Reprisal's Mountain Rally.
Captain Gregory Franklin - USS Reprisal - for the development of the USS Reprisal's Space Camp program, where local youth can be sent to the U.S. Space Camp. He has also written many articles for the chapter's newsletter concerning the exploration of space. He also co-sponsored the chapter planetarium show. He is also an amateur astronomer.
Bryan Houseknecht - Shuttle Abermarle - Providing your Chapter with reports in every chapter newsletter on the current breakthroughs and news in Science and Space. He also gives a short discussion each and every meeting on a science topic either dealing with space, earth science,or how science is copying the science of 'Star Trek'.
\Brigadier General John 'Kiwi' Kane,-USS Reprisal - For his endeavors in promoting the space program by creating a website showing the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour and reporting on this event for the chapter's newsletter. John has helped with the USS Hornet's visit to the Discovery Place to see the ISS exhibit and thus fostering the educational aspect of the space program.
Colonel Jason Schreck - USS Jamestown - Over the past few years Jason has put in over 1500 hours of volunteer work at the Virginia Air and Space Center in Hampton, Va. He has performed volunteer work as a tour guide at the center even though he is physically handicapped and needs a wheelchair to get around. The Center's primary objective is education and informing the public about flight, space flight, space science and science in general.
PO 1 Denise Clark- USS Jurassic - She created a service for the crew of the Jurassic called The Science Station and it consists of the latest science and space news. This is compiled and sent to the Jurassic listserv on a regular basis. It has summaries of stories with more information about them. She also includes questions that cause interesting discussions on the list, and often funny answers. (210403)
Eric W. Larkin - USS Reprisal - Eric has long been a supporter of space exploration and has done many things for the crew of the Reprisal to foster greater knowledge in that area. Eric has hosted 5 stargazing events at his home as well as sponsoring trips to the Bays Mtn Planeterium attended by Reprisal crew members. As the publisher of the Reprisal newsletter he ensures that articles about space and space exploration are included (210805.03)
Rear Admiral Darlene Harper - USS Columbus- For her tireless dedication in the promoting of Region One Space Camp Scholarship program as well as her setting up of a booth every year at the Columbus International Festival whereby she shows the progression of the space program into the future which could be Star Trek
Dawn Jenkins - USS Jurassic NCC-3500 - promoting NASA and space program. Reporting Jurassic crew about NASA and space program. Continuing development curriculum for Mars Mission that she and Nancy Hall are incorporating into the Explorer Post 633 activity. (210910.25)
Ltjg Alan Steinberg - USS Columbia - For the past two years he has served as a member of Yuri's Night global executive team that works to coordinate and assist in execution of Yuri's night celebration promoting space exploration. Served as national point of contact for United States for space generation advisory council 2008-2010 (211009.10)
Vice Admiral Darlene Harper - USS Columbus- Again this year, 2011 she has made displays highlighting the space program and the possible connection to Star Trek for the Columbus Int'l Festival, Mid Ohio Con and several events at Starbase Columbus.She also has developed a SFA school for the history of the manned space program.
James Carnell Eubanks - USS Star League - starting the project to get signatures on a card that was sent the the crew of the final Space Shuttle Mission
Michelle De Loach - USS Star League - Arranging for guest speaker (Mr. Henry Quinn) who gave a presentation on the US Space Program. Arranged trip to planetarium for crew to experience the planetarium and Ruth Patrick Science Observatory. (211305.04)
Darlene Harper - USS Columbus - Darlene has again this past year designed the USS Columbus booth at the Columbus International Festival. The booth is an educational booth about the space program where it has been to where it is now to what it could be in the future showing the progression to Star Trek.
Admiral David Miller - USS Helen Pawlowski - Posted 100 articles and links promoting the space program on the chapter's Facebook page. Posted more than 300 links and articles over the year. (201312.30)
Sherriea Williams - USS Tycho - Sherriea has demonstrated in her 10 newsletter articles in the last two years an effort to promote NASA. She has also made many phone calls and sent many emails to Sarah Ramsey a NASA public relations official, to setup projects through
Vice Admiral Heim. She spent several months trying to connect both group. Finally she has posted at least 40(probably more by now) NASA videos on our Facebook page to raise people's knowledge about NASA. At our meetings Sherriea almost always has some comment or insight on what is happening at NASA. (201602.18)
Captain Don Murray - Captain Murray continues to offer the ship opportunities to learn about space and spacetravel, most recently organizing an away mission to hear a lecture about Pluto. (202003.01)
Dawn Jenkins - USS Jurassic - As Chief of Communication, she submits a monthly report to the USS Jurassic newsletter, the Trekosaurus and writes about the latest happening on the celestial almanac.This past year, she has written about the astronomical events of 2021 that she observed or read about including NASA’s Artemis mission, NASA’s Perservence rover at Mars and its companion, the Ingenuity helicopter; Starship SN9, SN11 and SN15 flights; comet Leonard, aka C/2021 A1 and how to view it. (202201.17)
LTC Rachel Friend - USS Explorer -Lieutenant Commander Friend avidly kept abreast of and helped educate and inform the public about the space program by dedicating an entire week of space education in her classroom. Students simulated astronaut training through fun and educational activities that promoted the next generation to boldly go where no man has gone before. (202207.23)
Dawn Jenkins - USS Jurassic - Dawn maintains the website, Astra’s Stargate and published new issues of What’s Up in the Night Sky
almanac on Astra’s Stargate website that describes astronomical events for each month. She regularly
includes information about astronomical events, NASA or space related events as part of her monthly
report in the Trekosaurus, the USS Jurassic bimonthly newsletter. Some of her news included an interview
she did in Jan 2024 on the youtube channel, Everyday Spacer, where Dawn talked about her updated
design on Astra’s Stargate. (202404.04)
Diane Ripollone - USS Kitty Hawk - Diane has volunteered over 600 hours of community service as a NASA Solar System Ambassador over the last several years in our community. She has also provided space and NASA information at the last several GalaxyCon events in Raleigh, NC (202408.29)